Scarlet looked at her and said “that’s master Shade…you met him this morning. His the head of security on the ship…he is the captains eyes and ears on the ship. He makes sure everyone is safe…” she looked down at her hands and said softly “his a selfless man…” Bane ran after him and cursed “she secured it, but it might have been the one of the ropes that wasn’t treated for heavy rain. We have been in the works switching the ropes out. But in the panic I didn’t see if the one she grabbed was a new one. The knot will come right out in this storm if it’s the old one” Iris jumped over and opened a sealed crate and whistled. “Daniel! Ropes are here!” Avery was steering the ship, seeing the eye of the storm, where she was heading to be clear. She just had to get there. But suddenly she felt her life line go limp around her waist and she cursed. She held on for dear life, knowing if she slipped now, she was dead no matter if she was cursed or not.