[@Zora] April listened to the chatter of the others but essentially went back to minding her own business. Fiddling with the goggles on her head and the tools in her belt that was still attached to her. That was until the captain asked if any of them knew how to fly a ship. She thought for a moment as the others talked before speaking herself. [color=7ea7d8]"Um, I don't have extensive experience and technically any experience I do have is more on the illegal side. And they have all been smaller crafts, of the illegally modified variety. But if you are willing to take a bet on if I could get a larger vessel out of the hyperlanes then, off the record, I know how to fly a ship. If you don't want to take that chance I understand though."[/color] She rubbed the back of her neck. She had been big into modifications for the underbellies of some stations in order to actually make a name for herself after literally appearing out of nowhere in her early teens. Not to mention she had to pull some jobs in more shady rings to even get the needed papers to travel and work on various ships she had been on.