Larafan was quite taken aback at seeing the human burst forth from the smoky chamber up to the ceiling. The tentacles had shown her opponent to be resourceful but she had not anticipated something such as this. Worse yet he was now in a position to mark her location. She doubted he could see her in a split moment due to the thickness of the fog, but he would have less trouble certainly. Not to mention he now also held a good point to attack from. The skeletons shambled about in the midst of the fog, flailing their weapons in futility as they craned their necks up at their target. Larafan could hold the control of the skeletons for a long time if need be. If anything they would dissuade the human from dropping back down into the chamber and keep him aerial. While the airborne vantage point did give Larafan’s opponent a good edge it also had a downside. For now he was a moving target, a fly to be swatted by her magic. With a smirk Larafan prepared to cast again, drawing on her magic and invoking a conjuration spell. Even if it didn’t outright kill or even ground the human it would make maneuvering harder and give her breathing room for further casting. Focusing her focal point in the middle of the chamber and directing her undead to clear the area, she drew forth a cloud of daggers. A swirling vortex of hundreds of spiraling blades that would lacerate any who drew near. Larafan doubted the human would venture too close but the purpose was to force him to pour more focus into maneuvering and less on locating and attacking her. The chamber was filled with the whistling sound of a thousand or more glinting blades hurtling through the air in a tornado of death. Keeping her eyes still on the tentacles off to her right Larafan took up position in low spot in the chamber, waiting for the right moment to attack directly. She would wait for her opponent to either be thrown off balance or severely injured trying to navigate the already crowded cave ceiling while also dodging a literal storm of blades. If he tried to land he would be forced to engage with her undead minions thus giving her the moment to deliver a crippling or killing strike.