[Center][Img]https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/E2tRcu0DjwrNooyBRtNkqyGA-G0/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2018/05/17/035/n/1922398/348b686e5afe158e61fcc2.49575310_/i/Michael-B-Jordan-Shirtless-Essence-June-2018.jpg[/Img][/center] [CENTER][I][h1][color=green]Floyd Banker[/color][/h1][/i][/CENTER] [Color=green]Time:[/color] Afternoon [Color=green]Location:[/color] San Francisco, The Condo [Color=green]Interaction:[/color] [@FunnyGuy] Michael Hayes [hr] Floyd relented he didn’t want to pester Mike about going after Lori, after all they had just got their asses handed to them by her. Aside from wiping her out being a major benefit to the Network, he was truly concerned about just how she stumbled into their residence. In his mind the ideal scenario was that Paige herself was a beacon to Martinez & whom she’d actually been following. As she’d seemed disinterested in their abilities he was almost able to make this work in his mind, a sort of real life head-cannon to explain the events that had just transpired in the living room hours ago. [Color=green]“Alright my bad I didn’t mean to piss you off, but as for joining her I know your just pissed right now saying shit like that. That bitch is a monster, as for the unkillable clearly she’s killable”.[/color] [Color=green][I]Which means I’m still killable huh, well makes sense I don’t think there’s anybody that really can’t die. But I ain’t Claire Bennet, I’m not finna make attempts to see what does or don’t work.[/I][/color] Floyd briefly amused himself with those fleeting thoughts of a character he found to be truly Annoying from one of his favorite tv shows who had a similar power to the one Paige had wielded. [Color=green]“Anyway that’s a bet I’ll dump her ass out in the blue, we need her gone. And hey don’t beat yourself up too bad, the important thing is we’re both still alive right. There’s so much going on now the world’s literally going apeshit, and as for us I’m sure we’ll get stronger ourselves, we just need to really get a grip on these powers we have. Oh before you go I got you something.”[/color] Floyd fetched his wallet from his pocket, and whipped out an altered ID. Walking over to Michael he handed it to him with a smile. It was a copy of Michael’s driver license generated with Amalia’s powers but it had his altered status as negative, and by power it stated N/A. [Color=green]“I figured you might want one of these, I’m charging for em, but I’ll let you slide with the homie/roommate discount of free, means you don’t have to worry about check-points there scannable and everything.”[/color] Floyd added letting Mike know the doctored ID’s produced by Amalia’s power were safe to use & hand to officers or soldiers at a checkpoint & would even scan. [Color=green]“Anyway be safe bro.”[/color] Floyd concluded before turning to head upstairs to the attic. He wanted to get Paige’s lifeless corpse out of their house as soon as possible. The one good thing about the way she’d been killed was there was no signs of blunt trauma, but their own tussle with her in the living room had messed it up.