If you had to pick the OP and ED for season 1 of a lighthearted (at least in the first season / first couple of volumes) show about teenaged delinquents, what would each of you go for? My picks: [url=https://youtu.be/y41tI9FIAuc]OP[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/Tt-P--syO6w]ED[/url] [@Noblebandit] Since my role at the moment is to sit and wait for most people to leave the roof, maybe you should godmod this for me. So I don't shoehorn it into my post and end up ruining the flow of the scene transition. But since Yuyua is by the door anyway, he'd offer you a little chat. He'll say that whenever he's at school, he's either in class or under that mulberry tree on the southeast end of the courtyard. That's his ... [i]former[/i] turf. "Y'know, if you wanna figure out what's where around here, or just shoot the shit." Something like that. If you need exact words then PM me ig, but I trust whatever ya put out, as you and I seem to be very similar RPers stylistically