[h2]Esme Stirling[/h2] Esme was close to being completely calm thanks to Sarah and Violet being curled around her. But a growl from the two hounds disrupted the calm as they lifted their heads and looked towards the door. Esme lifted her head from her hands and looked towards the front door, now hearing the scuffle coming from inside the house. She dropped her head with a sigh and shook it. This was no time to have a fight break out among them. “Easy girls.” she said, placing a hand on each of their heads as she looked at them. She patted them silently to let them know she wanted to get up, then moved and helped her with a low growl still in their throats. “It’s alright, we’ll get this sorted. Just stay here and I’ll call if I need you.” she told them before walking to the door. She could hear the raised voices coming from the house, and could tell who each one belonged to. The closer she got to the door, she could tell who was involved in the fight and a knot formed in her stomach. As soon as she walked through the door, she stopped in her tracks as it hit her and stole her breath, pure and unbridled rage. It hit her harder than a ton of bricks, almost bringing her to knees by the sheer force of it. She held onto the door frame, not able to stop the rage from taking her over. She could feel it bubbling up within her and making her chest burn as if a fire were raging within it. Esme lifted her gaze from the floor to look at Dean and Cason just as Dean put the blade to Cason’s throat, her eyes narrowing at the two with a fire raging within her blue eyes as they shot daggers. She could feel her body heating up from the rage now coursing through her and was steadily losing control of. Esme pushed herself off the door frame, taking a few more steps into the house, trying to keep herself from going over the edge. She stared at the two on the floor as Cason spoke to Dean, her eyes narrowed more. Then her eye cut briefly to Bobby as he screamed at Dean and gripped the back of his neck. She lost it as he said no one was dying in the house tonight. Heat radiated off her body as she stared down Dean and Cason with a glare, the fire within her eyes growing stronger. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO!” she screamed at them at the top of her lungs as she clenched her fists tight. “THIS IS NO TIME TO BE FIGHTING AMONG OURSELVES WITH EVERYTHING GOING ON!” Her eyes darted between them as she continued to stare them down, her fists clenched more, her nails digging into her palms, but she didn’t notice. “NOW STOP! BOTH OF YOU!”