Back then, Charlotte had been thinking, for a long time, on [i]why[/i] Mister Speedwagon wouldn't let her anywhere near the Stone Masks. Though she was told to not delve too deep into the past, Sir Joestar's comment had the gears in her head turn... before coming to a stop. How could she be so naïve? The blonde looked down at the ground for a moment, having to think, whether or not, she should be mad at her own stupidity. She was lucky to not be a victim. However, Charlotte knew it wasn't something to be proud of. A few days ago, people she [i]knew[/i] have died, in the presence of this artifact, and Straizo, who harnessed its power, might know the fate of Speedwagon. She'll find him, and make it up to him, if he did indeed survive. He should...he should.... Joseph refused to retreat, upon suggestion, much to Charlotte's surprise. But then, she remembered that Sir Joestar was persistent, and was going to get answers, no matter what; the same reason why she had joined him. Therefore, Charlotte stood her ground, moving a few paces behind Joseph, in case he had a plan. If so, she was curious. He might attempt those same tricks from the restaurant again. Charlotte's jaw dropped, as she watched the bullets fall to the ground, having to not affect Straizo, in any shape or form. There was no physical injury on him, leaving the blonde with a spine-chill feeling to traverse throughout her entire body. "Where is Speedwagon?!", she demanded; courage coursing through her, despite her apparent fear. "Where is he? Tell us!"