[h2] Take It To The Mattress [/h2] [h3]Passenger Dorm, Skye’s Siblings Bedroom [/h3] OOC: JP between [@Winters], [@MK Blitzen] and [@Yule] [table] [row][cell][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5281577][img] https://i.imgur.com/1CPW58D.png [/img][/url] [/cell] [cell] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5281574][img] https://i.imgur.com/T64wNiT.png [/img][/url] [/cell] [cell] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5281589][img] https://i.imgur.com/66r372Q.png [/img][/url] [/cell] [/row][/table] [hider=The Song Cyd is playing][YouTube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYFmOtK0_gA[/YouTube][/hider] Cyd set up the mini - but mighty - speaker near her bunk, the steady pulse of trance music filling the cabin as she scrolled through her DSB Encrypted Datapad. She chuckled and stretched out, listening to her brothers’ antics mixing with the music. Mathias stared down the youngest Skye shuffling the card with dramatic flair. The thrum cards continued as the spontaneous contest intensified. “Spit.” He offered, blue eyes narrowing slightly. "Least it's not Georgian Rat Screw." Isaac said with a half hearted sigh. "Why do I let you pick the challenge? You [I] always[/I] pick cards!" The teen complained, his face scrunched in frustration. “Because thumb wars with little luchador masks, is only entertaining to you.” Mathias said dryly. "It [i]is[/i]!" Isaac responded gleefully. Thumb wrestling would have been a far better option right about now but the game was decided and the stakes couldn't be higher. "How come she don't gotta fight for her bunk?" He groused, jabbing a thumb in his sister's direction. “Can’t hear you, LoLo,” Cyd called, turning the music up as she continued to scroll. “Good luck though!” “Besides, she always picks a dance off …” Mathias grumbled. “Can’t hear you either!” Cyd said with a grin. Isaac responded to his sister's lies in the most mature way he could muster - he stuck his tongue out at her. Cyd snickered, tutting with the fingers of her free hand in time with the music. “Now I’m rooting for you, Yobo.” "[i]Now I'm rooting for you, Yobo.[/i]” the youngest Skye mockingly copied his sister. “Still can’t hear you!” she replied, turning the music louder. “We playin’ or you just stallin’ LoLo.” Mathias egged Isaac. "Yeah, yeah." Isaac sighed in resignation. Mathias had already dealt out while the younger Skye was arguing with his sister and his stack of cards was noticeably larger than the one in front of his brother. "Heeeeeyyy!" he complained. “That's what happens when you yap yap yap and don’t pay attention.” Mathias said pantomiming his brothers yappyness with a hand. “3, 2, 1! GO!!” He said rushing right into the game, slapping three cards, quickly on at a time, in ascending order on to one of the piles. It was a cutthroat game and Mathias had zero mercy. This was for the right to sleep on the bed tonight after all! [hider=The Music and Mathias and Isaac are playing in there heads for the right to sleep on the bed][YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7HL5wYqAbU [/YouTube][/hider] "Wait! No! Stop! I'm not ready!" Isaac launched a string of protests as his hands fumbled for his cards. Even without the head start, Mathias was fast. The cheating on the deck deal and the flying start all but sealed the boy's fate. He tried desperately to catch up. Even if it was a lost cause, he wasn't going to give Mathias the satisfaction of surrendering. No, he was going to go down fighting. Mathais was pressed to a standstill on his end having gone through his laid out cards but like any sibling he couldn’t help but mess with his sibling and rattle the cage some. “Move move move slow poke! You got a five, six and seven right there! When did you turn into a grandpa!” Mathias said, laying on the pressure. The game couldn't proceed till Isaac had also come to stand still or ran out his laid out card to slap for the smallest pile. No matter what, Mathias was at the advantage. Just a few more cards... Something on the Datapad Cyd’s eye, and she swung herself off her bunk. “What do you think of this?” She asked, holding the tablet between Mathias and the cards. “Think of what …” Mathias said reflexively, turning his attention away. Isaac seized on the opportunity that his sister so generously afforded him. He quickly threw down his last card in his hand and slapped the smaller stack, claiming it. He dragged the pile towards his side of the table, leaving back with a self satisfied grin. “No, wait, that’s nowhere near a dock,” Cyd said, taking her Personal Encylopedia back. She tousled Mathias’ hair and tossed her younger brother a wink as climbed back onto her bunk. “Shiong mao niao!" Mathias swore, bemused. "You conniving little sneaks! Well at least you learned something from me.” He groused, he couldn’t even be mad! “Now it’s on!” “Sorry LoLo,” Cyd giggled, looking around for things to make his stay on the floor more comfortable. Both Cyd and Isaac had no illusions about how this would end. This was Mathias' domain. And now he was motivated to prove himself, which made the match mercifully brief. Mathias dispatched his baby brother in just a few more rounds. Isaac finally conceded defeat. “My, this bed looks super comfy …” Mathias gloated, patting the bed. “ … wana lose another game? For funsies?” "Want me to pee on your bunk? For funsies?" Isaac retorted, dripping with sarcasm as he cleared a space for a sleeping bag. “I thought we house broke you already. I guess we'll have to lay out some newspapers for ya like when you were a kid.” Mathias needled. Isaac always seemed to end up on the floor. He certainly could just accept his fate, but what's the fun in that? "So, anything good?" Isaac asked his sister who was still looking over her device. “Plenty,” Cyd said with a playful grin and a tap of the datapad. “Take a look at this --”