Dean nodded happily at the fact that Mika had managed to get some sleep. He had been concerned, from the second he woke up, considering he fell asleep before he remembered her passing out, “Glad to hear it…” As Bobby dropped the newspaper on the table in front of him, he sighed, “I can’t get one cup of coffee in me before you’re sending me to work?” But Bobby simply started to walk off, patting Dean on the shoulder, “The only info I have is that the bodies are located at St. Mercy hospital, city central. It’s a thirty minute drive. No one else will talk to me.” Bobby walked back over to his desk and sat down with a sigh, just as the FBI phone rang. Dean stared at the upside down news paper with his eyebrows furrowed, looking back up at Mika and shrugging his shoulders, “It depends on what kind of neck injury it is. If it’s the whole ass throat, then we know exactly what we’re dealing with. I’ll just let you handle it, while I drive the getaway car, since you’re such a skilled Vamp hunter, now.” Dean chuckled, picking up his own piece of toast, “But we can check out the bodies, and see. The description is vague. Sensibilities of the people, and all that. Time for us to play doctor…and you have to wear something nice, Ms. FBI agent.” He took a large bite of toast, and then spoke around the bite, “But you look a little young for FBI…”