Concept: a court mage who is a trusted individual to the ducal couple. Her position in the court comes with the responsibility of moral inquisitions. She is responsible to advise the court and especially the ducal couple on the moral aspects of decisions due to the purity of her magical abilities. She also has a high standing within the executive branch and is asked to sit within some trials, give her opinion or advice, and oversee some of the more complicated cases. [b]Name[/b]: Aïtana Du'Vall [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Age[/b]: 37 [b]Appearance[/b] [hider][img][/img][/hider] [b]Abilities[/b] • Spells of Insight [indent]Works as a hunch, a vague 'pull' or something that would lead them to have a gut feeling of "I should look there, I should hide, I should xy" and then they trust in that and it usually proves correct.[/indent] • Spells of Purity [indent]Allows the user to tug at people's heartstrings and make them feel prone to speak their truth, their heart's desire, their true pain. Essentially, honesty. Requires focus and verbal use. Can be enhanced with specific catalysts.[/indent] • Spells of Audible Indunation [indent]The ability to overwhelm someone's mind with voices. Requires focus, close proximity to the other person. Can 'ricochet' when someone uses a field with ricocheting ability. Useless against people with mind shields.[/indent] • Spells of Monocular Realization [indent]The ability to make people see your own bodily features as however you want. This does not result in an actual change of bodily features, but instead, it works as a "filter" atop the real version. Can only be held for a short period of time. Limited to user's imagination and skills. Unlikely to be upheld during pain due to requiring some concentration. Needs consistency: If not consistent in color/shape/details/etc, the deceived can easily see through the filter. Weather Conditions: The illusion must be adapted during weather changes, this includes for example when the user gets wet, they need to remember to change the illusion to someone who is also wet. (This can be done subconsciously.)[/indent] [b]Drive[/b]: Honesty and Justice [b]Belief[/b]: “The laws enabled by the court protect the citizens' human rights and the court's system and branches enforce a just execution of those laws to ensure justice and safety.” [b]Characterization notes[/b] - Values fairness, the law, and justice. - Trusts in the ducal couple and the established justice system - Has become the unofficial official symbol for morality (meaning that the officials - such as the court - use her as a symbol for their morality but it is not officially claimed that she's their symbol) - Has a slightly deeper voice that has been described as enticing, seductive and soothing. [b]Personality[/b] [indent]As someone holding a lot of responsibility and trust, Aïtana is very much aware of the power she holds and strives to treat it with respect every day. Due to her valuing justice and fairness so highly, she holds herself to a high standard. She can not fail. Failing would mean to not just make a 'mistake' but it would have significant impacts on other people's lives. Being fully aware of this, Aïtana is not always the most relaxed person. She tends to sit through court sittings with a frown on her forehead and tension in her upper back. Due some poor choices in the past, Aïtana certainly doesn't lack a package of guilt she carries around with her. The fact that she has become a public symbol for moral standards weighs heavily on her. Aïtana believes certain types of magic that want to harm or control people to be a disease that plagues the heart and soul and can corrupt good people. She would compare it to drug use. You try it, you begin to balance a slippery slope and it gets you addicted and pulled in further and further. Until it begins to control you, corrupt your own ideas and morals and your soul. People who go down this road can be seen as the victim. But at some point, when they become a threat to society, they have to be seen as the enemy of the court. In these instances, Aïtana would suggest moving against those who cause harm to others with force even if it might mean their death. Where trials are seen as a just opportunity to determine someone's guilt or innocence, Aïtana believes that at a certain point of harm or treason the trial comes secondary - the safety of the citizens comes first! And if that means to end someone's life, then so be it. Although it does pierce her heart and she'd rather save a life and save a victim. Breaking the law for selfish gain is something Aïtana can't see. She believes in the system and in the peace their city enjoys. This peace as well as everyone's human rights can only be protected if those who break the laws see their rightful punishment. In cases of self-defense, desperation or survival, Aïtana sees the breaking of a law - depending on the criminal charge - more as a reaction to a different problem and would speak in support of the person to be granted help of some kind instead of punishment. [/indent] [b]Occupation/Position[/b]: Advisor on Moral Issues (Member of the Court) [b]History[/b]