[b]MIKA CHAMBERS AND NATALIA WINCHESTER[/b] The moment Mika and Natalia saw him look at Mika as the three important words came out of Mika's mouth, both thought that this might just be the beginning of them all getting through to him. This was so much worse than when Dean and Mika broke up for three years after he beat the living crap out of Ethan all those years ago, and Mika knew it. This verison of Dean was utterly terrifying but she refused to just up and leave him out of her own fear for him, she had to show him that she was with him, even if she became unfaithful thanks to a damn Angel meddling. Natalia however could feel Dean tightening his grip round the knife which wasn't giving her hope that he would actually let it go but she had to keep trying, she couldn't give up on her brother. She took note of how much Cason was shivering and flinching under Dean's weight and despite all the bravado moments ago, it was clear to Natalia that he was truly shit scared of the man above him. They both heard Esme also pleading with him to stop and not to go down this road, but the moment Dean glared at Mika.... actually glared at her with his nose bleeding it threw them off guard just enough to make Dean shrug Natalia off of him roughly, making her stumble backwards and onto her ass, failing to get the knife out of his hands. Mika's eyes went wide in fright at the glare Dean gave her. He had never glared at her in that way before, he had never scared her to her core in quite this way before and she didn't know how to react other than slowly and shakily letting go of the sides of his face. "please Dean...come back to me" she mumbled, implying about how he wasn't like himself right now. The moment he lifted his hand with the knife, she went even wider eyed and before she could stop him, before any of them could stop him, he brought the knife and smashed it into the floor with great force that caused the knife to still shake in the floor. THe sound it made made Mika and Natalia flinch before he got up and stormed off, ignoring every single one of them. Natalia scrambled back onto her feet, dusting herself down and beginning to head after Dean, pausing beside Esme just long enough to put her hand on the woman's shoulder. "I've got this." she told her then gave Bobby a simple nod toward Mika whilst glancing at him then headed outside to where she knew Dean would be. Mika didn't know what to do, she felt like thanks to Cupid she really messed things up this time. She was on the ground, her legs bent off to the side, shaking and hugging herself. She couldn't look at Cason on the floor or anyone else in the room as the look Dean gave her still burned into her eyes, haunting her very soul. She couldn't speak or do anything except cry and hug herself. [b]SAM WINCHESTER[/b] Everything felt so peaceful down in the vault when he was laying with Annabeth when it all kicked off upstairs, making him gently move Annabeth off of him and for him to sit upright, tilting his head to look up out of instinct. "What the hell...?" he muttered in disbelief as he recognised all the voices that were screaming. Dean was pissed because of something and something he could only imagine that was major which made him wish he could get out of the vault to try and calm his brother down. He could hear his sister and Bobby pleading with Dean loudly to stop and when he heard the word 'killing' come into the equation his eyes went wide. He got dressed quickly in the hopes that someone would come downstairs and let him out to go after his brother or at least come down to let him know what the hell was going on. He hated that all he could do was listen to the whole storm blow up above him and not do anything to try and help. If he had known that Dean had Ruby's knife to Cason's throat he woiuld have been able to overpower Dean and grab the knife from him. As the shouting finished, he quickly went over and grabbed his phone, texting Bobby, [i]"Bobby what the hell is going on!?"[/i] clicking send, he sighed running his hand through his hair.