Mika couldn't help but chuckle and nod at Dean's obversations about Bobby. She couldn't deny his assumption as she knew Bobby would gladly kill anyone to defend her and keep her with him. That was the one main thing she knew he and Bobby had in common. At his suggestion that they hit the hospital first she gave a nod and another laugh as he said about wanting to watch her work the whole 'I'm an fbi agent whether you wanna believe ie or not' scheme. "of course you do" she replied before ducking down and into the car, closing the door as she did so. She did the usual pattern of putting her keys in the ignition, bringing the car to life with a roar, putting it into gear and beginning the thirty minute drive to their destination as she made a mental note of how good a mood Dean was in today. ---- The drive was a little over thirty minutes due to traffic that unexpectedly appeared right near the end of their journey, but they got to the hospital in question, her pulling up into one of the front parking spots with ease. Turning the ignition off, she leaned over to the glove compartment and pulled out the tin box she kept all her ID's in and pulled out her FBI one stating her name was Agent Jett. Closing the box back up, she put it back in the glove compartment. With the ID placed into her inside jacket pocket she looked at Dean. "ready to go?" she asked, grabbing her keys.