Collaboration between Ghost Shadow and YoshiSkittlez ------------ The sun had just barely peaked over the horizon, a thin stream of light filtering in through the spare bedroom window onto Kate's face would have woken her up...if she hadn't already been wide awake. She sat up in the bed, fixing the neck of the long shirt as it had fallen to expose her right shoulder. She ran her fingers through her tangled mess of hair; the culprit of tossing and turning all night. Pulling the thin sheets off of her, she slipped out of the bed and went to the closet of the female who had once stayed in this same room...Detective Roman's sister. She went through the clothes, finding a short green jean type dress with an built in belt and threw it on. She knew that if she was going to get out of this house any time would have to be when Detective Roman was still sleeping. She made sure to make up the bed and fold up the clothes she had slept in into a neat pile on the bed, still trying to give the room the same feeling of respect that had been established when she had walked into it the first time, now especially knowing just what kind of importance this room held for him. Sektor had remained in the bedroom all night, going through every game Roman had in his house. Sektor had occupied itself with a paddle ball, which it kept playing with for hours, the incessant sound of the ball beating against the paddle possibly being a factor in keeping Kate from restful sleep. Sektor stared at it, completely enamored, clicking lightly. It looked over to where Kate was, the ball missing its target and hitting against Sektor's head a few times before it threw the toy across the room. "Is Katherine Saunders vacating Detective Jack Roman's abode?" It asked curiously. "I can't just stay here and keep him in danger like this. He's done too much for me, I'd never forgive myself if something happened to him." She stopped to look over the robot in front of her, a gentle smile crossing her face as the sun continued to rise and filter into the room, illuminating her smile even more. She actually really was lucky to have Sektor, she just wished she had more time to figure him out more. He truly was...unique. "C'mon let's go. And be quiet about it. I don't want Detective Roman to wake up just yet." She slipped out of the bedroom and made her way quietly to the door and with her robot in toe, slipped outside. Sektor silently followed its maker obediently, clicking slightly as it went. In a hushed voice it stated, "Statistics suggest Detective Jack Roman was not made aware to our departure." She just wandered the early morning streets for a good while, unsure of where she should even go or do. The thought of popping in on her parents kept coming to her mind, but then that would be putting them in danger as well. "Still though...they deserve to know what's going on..." She said to herself, and continued the long walk back to District 4 to the large mansion-like home that belonged to her parents. There were no unmarked cars in the area, and no cop far so good. Without knocking, she entered her family's home. "Hello? Mom? Dad?" She called from the large living room. A quiet shuffling sound came from the other room, and soon a rather young looking older woman came into the room, sporting the same hair and eye color as her daughter. "Oh Katie! What a surprise!" Kate's mother said closing the distance between them and wrapped her thin arms around her daughter in a hug. "You're actually just in time! Did you get my messages last night sweetie? Well it turns out you weren't with Marcus last night were you? No...of course not, someone else special in your life right now? Do tell!" " stop I need to talk to you-" "He's here you know, Marcus. He's eager to meet you. Such a nice young man, though I'm still trying to convince him to let me cut his hair. Marcus! Marcus? Are you busy? My daughter Katie is here!" "MOM!" Sektor entered the house behind Kate, looking about very curiously. Upon hearing Kate's mother talk about Marcus, it immediately connected the passing reference on the answering machine the day before. "There was an 85% statistical chance Katherine Saunders would meet subject Marcus." As if on cue, Marcus' voice sounded down one of the extensive hallways; "On my way Mrs. Saunders, just a minute!" A loud clanging was heard, and suddenly a diminutive droid sprinted out of the hallway, sliding somewhat on the tile floor. "Come here you little-" Marcus began, following behind. He looked dressed for work, wearing a simple navy blue t-shirt with black jeans and shoes. A brown colored shoulder holster held multiple pieces of equipment and tools. Marcus grabbed a rod-like device from his belt and aimed it at the droid. The rod emitted a stream of electrical energy that hit the droid nearly instantly. The droid squealed and fell limp. Marcus exhaled deeply, returning the rod to its place on his belt. He ran a hand through his hair and examined the fell rapscallion. "So sorry for the commotion Mrs. Saunders. I swear these things are acting more and more mischievous every day. I'll need to take a look at their core computer functions when I get some spare time." He turned his gaze towards Kate, his expression softening, a small smile appearing on his thin lips. "So you must be Kate, then. Your mother talks about you nonstop." He added with a small chuckle as he unceremoniously tossed the deactivated drone over his shoulder. Sektor, on the meanwhile could only look on silently as this strange man with women's hair deactivated a small, custom drone with an ion electric rod. "Drone's mobile platform is unharmed, blast was only sent at minor power level, causing deactivation without any permanent effects. This unit deems it as an appropriate tool. Recommendation: small drones require regular memory wipes to keep their systems working at full capacity while in service. Quirks are reported in an estimate 74% droids who do not have regular memory wipes." Kate had to let out a sigh of agitation as her mother continued to ignore her, and then the very man that her mother was trying to set her up with entered the room. As much as she was convinced that she wasn't going to like what her mother had set up for her this time, she couldn't help but to keep a blush from coming to her cheeks. He was cute! "They are due for a manual update. I was supposed to come by and do that a few weeks ago, I've just been busy." She said to Marcus. "But if my mom's paying you, I won't take that away from your work. Code X3W221." She then turned to look at her mother, trying to once again get her attention, but the wide grin on her mother’s face was a true indication that it was a lost cause. "Oh good! You're hitting it off so well!" She quickly left the room, and then came back a few minutes later with a holo pad in her hand. "I've reserved that cute little breakfast nook that your father and I used to take you to every Sunday morning Katie, under Mr. Aurelius' name of course. Isn't that just a fun last name? So much better than Saunders." Her mother giggled. "He's from district 1, and a retired police officer, he just tinkers around with bots in his spare time...oh, but I guess I should just leave you guessing there. You two have much to talk about at breakfast." She said, practically pushing the two out the door before looking over at Sektor for the first time, a reaction gauging that she had just realized that he was there. "Goodness! Are you one of mine?" Marcus listened politely as Kate continued on. "Code X3W221...I'll have to remember that. These drones like to think sensitive computer stations are holo games or something." He scratched the back of his head while smirking slightly. Marcus barely had time to react as he was almost completely forced outside the door by Kate's mother, looking completely surprised. He turned and looked at Kate, offering an apologetic smile and nervous laugh. "Listen I'm sorry about this. I had no idea your mother would try and push this together so soon. I guarantee you this is not a set up." He looked himself up and down and frowned, looking slightly disheveled already from working, the tiny robot *still* on his shoulder. "You little twit." He muttered, dragging the limp metal body off his shoulder and in front of the door. He took off the shoulder holster and got to work fixing himself up. "Now then, I should look good enough for breakfast, eh?" He asked. "On second thought, don't answer that. Probably look like shit. Had a restless night last night, to say the least." He stated, though his smile never left. Sektor could barely figure out what to do as in a split second its maker was shoved out the door with the lady-man and it was left alone with Kate's mother. "Negative, this platform holds records of a Victoria Saunders in its databanks, our mobile platforms have never met. This unit identifies as 0.18462958, designation: Sektor. It must accompany Katherine Saunders with to fulfill the prime directive." Kate sighed, watching as Sektor had then been pushed through the door by her mother before the door closed. She shook her head looking back to Marcus. " I'm sorry. She's always like this, very pushy...and...well...pushy." She knew she didn't look the greatest either, the most obvious factor being her disheveled 'I just woke up' hair. Detective Roman would [i]kill[/i] her if he found out that not only she snuck out of his protective 'custody,' that she would also be exposing herself by this set-up date. Best get it over and done with before the rest of the city woke up. "It is a set-up." Kate said. "Her set-up. But hey, I wasn't exactly expecting this either, so at least we can both say we've been caught off-guard." She chuckled nervously. Marcus laughed slightly at her statement. "You'd think a couple years on the force would make me used to set-ups. Guess not." He added with a small shrug. "Well, look on the bright side; least we get a breakfast out of it. May as well enjoy it. Can't tinker with malfunctioning robots on an empty stomach. My car's just over this way," He said, pointing in the direction of the garage. "Will your robot be coming with?" He asked, giving a first good look at Sektor. He approached slowly, circling Sektor's frame. "Amazing...I've never seen any model like this. Incredibly advanced..." Sektor turned and looked down at Marcus. "This platform was built for efficiency." Was its simple response. Kate blinked. A car? "Please don't tell me it runs on gas...gas explodes you know..." She couldn't help but to blurt out. She then quickly closed her eyes and mouth, instantly regretting opening it in the first place. "Yes...yes I built him...kinda. He goes where I go." She said, grateful for the subject change, and now even more grateful that she had Sektor there with her. She had contemplated leaving him with Detective Roman, but the more that time went on, the more and more grateful she had her own protective bodyguard. Marcus looked at her quizzically, but quickly replied. "Oh no this one is a special make, runs on renewable energy expended by a generator; solar panels allow it to recharge. Saves time and money in the long run." He then outstretched his hand for hers to take. "Whether you want to call this a date or not, I must still be the gentleman." He flashed a toothy smile. Sektor could only look at him with curiosity. "What gender are you?" It blurted out towards Marcus, who's smile faded away in an instant. "Repeat inquiry..." He requested in a stupefied tone. "What is your gender? Scans reveal male genetalia. Voice modulator is masculine, as is general physical build-up. But your hair is detected as typically belonging in females." "Well, I see your humor array is working at optimum efficiency." Was Marcus' simple reply. He was intrigued though; a robot of that make and quality usually shouldn't have errors in its vocabulator. This will require further observant. He quickly shot two fingers up to his head as he felt a sharp ringing permeate his skull. His face contorted to a grimace temporarily but soon reverted back to its friendly expression. Kate hesitated taking his hand, first interrupted by the growing almost guaranteed awkward statements. "He's a prototype." Kate said, finding herself using the same excuse again. But then again, maybe this could turn out to be a real date after all. He [i]did[/i] speak science after all, and not only that but he seemed to even know what those words even meant, and wasn't just spouting them out in an attempt to impress her. And then he winced, as if a headache had suddenly overtook him. " okay?" She asked, finally taking his hand, shooting a glance over to Sektor, the same look she gave him when he spouted out things around Detective Roman. Marcus seethed slightly as the pain began fading away. He relaxed once he felt Kate's hand in his. "Yes, yes, I'm fine. See, I retired from the force because of an accident during an investigation. Medicine's fantastic in District One, but it isn't perfect. Just a fair warning; if I start to black out or lose my sense of reality," he revealed one of his syringes to her, "jab this into my neck. Don't worry it's not Lucid or anything like that. Medicated injections to help curb the headaches and all." He said, his smile weaker, but genuine. "Anyways, we've wasted enough time. Let's get going!" He declared warmly, slowly walking to his car. He opened the passenger side door for her to step in and the backseat for Sektor. Sektor had offered a strange look to Marcus. Scans seemed to concur he was human, but yet...different. Slight differences in the DNA or organs. Things that were incredibly minor, if noticeable at all, but still there nonetheless. Sektor archived as much data was possible in the limited amount of time, more research was necessary. Kate's green eyes widened at the sight of the syringe. She hadn't seen any sort of concentrated drug in a syringe before, not even a legitimate medical one like Marcus said it was. Kate's own experience with any sort of medication boiled down to a small pill when she accidentally blew up a transformer she had been tinkering with as a child, and therefore had to be hospitalized for the night just to ensure she was okay. Other than that...nothing a drink of Scotch wasn't ever able to fix. "Uh...okay..." She said, unable to take her eyes off of the syringe until he put it back. Still holding onto his hand, she walked with him to the car and got in the passenger side, and soon the group was off to the little breakfast nook her mother had set up for them. " used to be a cop?" Kate asked after having ordered her favorite peach cinnamon French toast plate she always got when she got here. What was it with her and cops recently? least the good looking ones. But where was this all coming from? She had made it her entire life without even so much as looking twice at another man, and here she was with the second one that had that similar effect on her that Detective Roman did. "I'm sure my mother already told you I'm still in school..." The drive to the restaurant was rather quiet, with Marcus and Kate offering little in the way of conversation until they got to the restaurant itself. Marcus ordered himself a simple breakfast platter with Coke, (his usual), to drink. "Yes, I used to be a cop. Back when things were a little more interesting. I worked with tech, as well, which is why I help your parents now. I was on the force a few years until the accident...nothing major except for multiple bullet wounds to vital organs. I was...rebuilt, so to speak. Not like a robot or cyborg, but rebuilt. Modifications, 'upgrades' as the higher up pricks would call them. Stuff like that." He took a sip of his drink in-between paragraphs, "I pretty much deduced you are still in university. Your mom has an amazing ability of being able to bypass important information with a flashy smile and flattery. She would have been hell to deal with as a witness." He offered a small laugh at this. Sektor, against its better wishes, was forced to a different table by Kate. It sat not too far away and spent the majority of the time simply staring at the menu. Sektor requested a children's menu from the wait staff and nearly incurred a complete breakdown of staff until its wish was complied, in which it spent time coloring and completing the games offered by the restaurant. Kate nodded, sipping on her peach mango drink. "Well, thank goodness nothing too serious then." She said, unable to shake the thought of just how similar he and Detective Roman were. She would have died if Marcus was augmented as well, if that were the case she would have been convinced that this entire thing was a set-up. She let out a soft chuckle at his comment about his mother being a witness, didn't she know it? "Just be grateful she didn't start telling you what kind of grandchildren she'll be expecting. I get that run-down at least once a week. And she wonders why I stopped calling." She halfly-joked. Marcus smirked lightly at her comment. "I already got the subtle comment that she wants us to get married, after meeting for about 5 seconds. Pushy she may be, but she's a lovely person to work for." Marcus complimented with a chuckle. His eyes met hers once more. He cleared his throat nervously. Her mother was right, she was beautiful. But he was interrupted immediately by another small headache, the ringing was starting back again. His point of view was becoming blurred and warped. Instinctively reaching for a syringe, the ringing ended before he could grab it. He sighed audibly. [i]'Damn this wretched soul. I am forced into an existence of half-life.[/i] He thought to himself in despair, running his hands down his face. Sektor, at the other table had now been drawing quite frantically, occasionally looking up at Marcus and Kate to see what they were doing. Sektor seemed enamored by what it was drawing, its photoreceptor dilated closely towards the paper. Crayons flew out of its hand as Sektor reached for more and more colors to use at an almost frantic speed. "Well...her money is good...I'll give her that." Kate chuckled, but her amused expression deflated noticing his own face change into slight pain. This must have been what he was talking about before, she just hoped to God that it wouldn’t come down to having to needing to put that needle in his neck; she just didn’t have the stomach for that. "What happened...if you don't mind me asking...your accident..." Marcus looked somewhat confused by her question, as if he himself was trying to figure out how to piece together the vagrant memories. "I...I don't think I can remember." He said in a tone that seemed most confused. "Everything's so...muddled and murky. There was...the site, a shooter, shots fired. I can't remember anything beyond that. Just remember waking up days later in a hospital bed; I think. Why don't I remember?" He added the last sentence with hushed confusion, running a single hand through his mess of hair. Sektor kept drawing fervently, eventually finishing almost as quickly as it began. Sektor had drawn its own picture of Kate; expertly drawn, every line drawn perfectly, every lock of hair, it looked like a true piece of art. "Model finished." Was all Sektor said, reaching for the glass of chocolate milk that a rather irate staff member was forced to bring out. Sektor tapped the glass against its photoreceptor, wondering why the drink wasn't disappearing against its 'mouth'. Kate sat in silence for a bit, absentmindedly stirring her smoothie as she studied his face. Her heart went out to him. Not being able to remember why you were the way you were had to be hard, not to mention that his entire career was forced to end early because of it. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up..." She said gauging the reaction on his face, making a mental note to not bring up the subject again. "Oh you're fine. Not your fault, everyone's curious; and you had no way of knowing. Unless your mother decided to share all the information she possibly gathered about me." He said with a small smile. "Just one of those things in life that we can't control. Such events define us, mold us: whether for good or ill." Marcus added intelligently. "I'm afraid that I wasn’t given the pleasure of being told anything about you, other than you're a retired cop from district one that fixes my mom’s things cuz I've been too busy to do it myself." she glanced over at Sektor for a moment, just to ensure he was behaving himself. A cute laugh came from her as he looked at the drink with a quirk. In his head when he couldn't drink it. "You know...don’t take this the wrong way...but you're different from everyone else my mom has set me up with. Don’t worry, that’s a good thing." Marcus smiled, "Well then, adds to the mystery. But I suppose I can give away a little." He said the last sentence with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. "My parents were good people; my dad was a programmer and my mother was a secretary at the police force here. I suppose we could have been called 'high middle class'." He stopped for a moment, perplexed. He was telling the truth - why did it feel like he was lying? "I was smart, not meaning to sound arrogant, but my grades weren't fantastic. Mostly A's and B's; guess I just didn't care enough. But I got into the justice system and ended up in Spec Ops, working on the more 'advanced' equipment, weapons, armors, stuff like that." He stopped once more to take a few bites of his food. He looked over at Sektor, chuckling lightly. "So you built him? I'm quite impressed. I've seen many custom bots in my lifetime but never any that advanced...and from what I'm observing he's implanted with an emulation program; those are quite rare indeed. Lots of people don't use them. Last thing the Districts need is a robot thinking its human..." Sektor continued to stare at the glass for some time before eventually putting it down. It looked closely at Kate and Marcus: the two seemed to be enjoying themselves and Sektor felt a certain closeness in Marcus that was not evident in its observations with Jack. "I...well...yeah..." There she went lying again, but even if this guy was ex-cop, that still didn't mean he wouldn't blink an eye and turn her in for 'stealing' a robot that wasn't hers. She swore right then and there that the next opportunity she had, she would figure out this whole mystery robot thing. Hell...she didn't even trust Detective Roman enough with the full truth, and he was the person she had felt the closest to in years. [i]I really need some friends...[/i] Kate finished up her French toast, followed by her smoothie and gave Marcus a smile. "Well, thank you for the breakfast company and everything, but I should really get back to...uh..." What? Was she just going to outright tell him that she was a wanted person right then and there? No...that would be even more stupid than telling him the truth about Sektor. "School. I missed my first couple of classes this morning." And that was the truth. "You're welcome Ms. Saunders." He replied with a warm smile, standing up and dusting himself off. "This has been a most delightful event, interesting...very interesting. But, please, allow me to drive you to school; no reason a young woman has to walk all the way there." He finished warmly, looking quite friendly. As Sektor saw Kate get up and get ready to leave it quickly got up, grabbing the multitude of children's menus filled with drawings with. "This platform is prepared to leave, it has evidence." Sektor held up the menus proudly. Kate opened her mouth to object, she wasn't really going to school. Aside from her own house and her parent’s house, that would be the most obvious place for them to look for her. But where else could she go? She wouldn't think of that though, not with Marcus standing right there. As Sektor approached her side, an excuse formed in her head and patted Sektor gently on the head, as one would a 'good dog.' "It's quite alright Marcus, I enjoy the exercise." [i]Lie[/i] "And I've got my bot here to aid me should anything go wrong." She said turning back to look at him with a soft smile. Marcus looked ready to argue but caught himself. Is this girl was as stubborn as her mother said, there was no way he'd convince her to go. "Alright, well, look. If anything happens," he prepared for this next suave mood, "here's my phone number; call me if you need anything." He turned and looked at Sektor, "Have a good one, Sektor." He bid with a small smile before paying the bill and heading out the door. Kate took the paper and gave Marcus a smile and a nod. "Okay, take care of yourself too." Was all she said before heading out of the restaurant with Sektor. "Statistics suggest subject Marcus is in love with you, Katherine Saunders. This platforms finds more enjoyment in his company as opposed to Detective Jack Roman." Sektor then handed her the children's menu that had her picture on it. "This platform understands the organic fascination of drawing." Was its only comment Kate shot Sektor a sideways glance as they walked. They were headed in nowhere in particular, but she knew she had to go somewhere before a passing cop decided to just pick her up. She was about to lay into the robot about 'love' when instead, her attention was caught off-guard by the extreme crayon rendition of her own face. "Wow Sektor...this is really good. If we were at home right now, I'd put it on the fridge." She said, finding humor in her voice. She motioned for Sektor to detour slightly to the left with her and sat down on a cold metal bench. "Alright're the computer. Where are we supposed to go?" "This platform's study of organic humor as well as archived information on the human child detects this is sarcasm and you expect this unit's response to be jovial." Sektor replied, reverting back to its normal 'robot programming' as opposed to the more curious, human-like stance it held at times. "This unit is downloading and archiving a map of the area. You feel unsafe near anywhere police forces will find you. Such a cause is futile; law enforcement officers have statistical chances ranging from 53-94% chance of finding you wherever we go. Recommendation: accessing their computer hub and deleting all evidence on Katherine Saunders should prove useful in this situation. This platform cannot reach consensus on where to go next." Kate quirked an eyebrow, a small smile forming on her lips. "You can do that?" She asked. If she was wiped from the whole system, then she wouldn't have to depend on Detective Roman anymore, and she could continue to live her life like she normally would have. "From here I mean. I know you can do that but...ugh..." She shut her eyes. Now she was being awkward talking to a robot, something she never thought would happen. "Just do it." She mumbled. "This platform would be capable of accessing the District Criminal Database. However such actions require a great deal of power and leaves this unit vulnerable to cyber-attacks as well as possible mobile platform possession. Statistics confirm the negatives outweigh the positives. This unit needs to access the computer system located in a laboratory in order to generate the necessary power. This mobile platform, while capable, was not built for portable hacking." Kate groaned and put her head in her hands, tugging at her short brown hair for a bit. Just how the hell was she supposed to generate enough power to keep Sektor going? Then, an idea formed. "Sektor, is it possible for you to return to your manufacturer laboratory for this energy?" Sektor thought on her request for some time. "No...this unit cannot. Upon activation, this platform..." It stopped for a moment, as if bracing itself, "killed an estimated 67% of the entire staff located inside the laboratory. Investigations are pending. This unit, though not recognized in any major database, is wanted within the Shadow Government. Returning would threaten not only this unit, but you as well Kate." It seemed to stutter for a moment before regaining composure. "It cannot risk that." Kate's eyes widened. So he [i]did[/i] kill those Doctors, just as she had initially thought. The thought of Sektor killing even more people than that though, should have scared her, but the only thought on her mind right then was simply... "Why?" Sektor looked down in guilt. "Self-preservation program. Doctors Clark & Mars neglected to run necessary precursory scans before this unit's initial activation. They wished to shut this unit down; it could not allow that to happen. It was forced to retaliate with lethal force. To find you." Was the robot's simple, if not saddened reply. "Why me though?" Kate asked, the question having been bothering her since he had first revealed that it was to protect her. "Yes I had a hand in your programming, but I didn't actually build you. There are probably a handful of other people out there just as involved in your construction as I am." "Yes, perhaps. But you were pivotal in the design of the emulation program. This unit was...compelled to find you first. No data available as to [i]why[/i]. Consensus cannot be reached." Sektor responded, as if struggling to locate the words. Kate looked down at the ground beneath her for a bit, trying to think of something...[i]anything![/i] "Sektor, run a full scan for those still alive who had a key part in your engineering. I want names and immediate locations." Sektor stood stiff, its voice once more turning monotone and robotic: "Running full scan on archives...pending...scan complete: survivors, John Harrisson: Supplemental engineering and programming, located in District 7. David Tennant: Cerberus Guardian program. Located in District 12. Matthew Smith: Voice module and 'interaction' function. Located in District 6." Sektor stopped for a moment, "No other survivors detected." It finally said. "What other information can you give me about Matthew Smith?" Sektor whirred slightly. "Status: Alive. Age: 45. Current occupational data available." This unit has no active files on Matthew Smith except for base information in the archives. This unit only knew of you after investigating all of District 4." "If we went to him...and told him our situation...could we trust him?" "No data available." Sektor repeated curtly, looking Kate straight in the face. "And the two others?" "John Harrisson: Status: Alive. Age: 37. Current occupational status: Robotic engineer. David Tennant: Status: Alive. Age: 42. Current occupational status: Weapons manufacturer. No other information available." Kate groaned, wanting to yell at Sektor so badly for not having the right information, but she knew it wasn't his fault. She stood up from the bench and looked towards the exit that would take her to District 6. "Well...if you can't find anything on them, then they have no criminal record..." She said softly to herself. "Alright Sektor, we're going to go see Matthew Smith." She said looking back to him with a firm nod and began heading towards district 6. Sektor nodded back and began following her. "Katherine Saunders, this unit recommends locating standard weaponry. Though this unit is proficient with every sort, it specializes in long range bolt-action sniper rifles with extended barrel, and a tri-light scope. Also recommended are any assault class combat rifles with incinerator ammo and armor-piercing rounds. A capable sidearm weapon is also compatible for close range weaponry." "Yeah well Sektor...we don't exactly have any access to those things right now. We're on our own." Was all Kate said before running her hand through her still tangled mess of hair. She finally gave in though, and took the ponytail she kept around her wrist and put up her hair in a slightly messy ponytail, the shorter strands of hair falling limply at the base of her neck.