I updated my character sheet with a pretty long (as of right now) list of characters that came to mind when I began thinking of story arcs for Ragwoman. It's all pretty stream of consciousness on my part, so sorry if it's confusing! However, I wanted to follow some of the great examples posted so far and really toss out some ideas in terms of characters that I think could be interesting to see interact with Ragwoman (although by no means is my list exhaustive and I'm sure there are a ton of other interesting characters). [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5285063/]Update[/url] [hr] Edit: I might move some characters over from "of Interest" to actually being involved sooner rather than later, but for now I just want to ponder my really long list. Any thoughts, feedback, or interest is more than welcome, especially if you have or might have designs for any of the mentioned characters (sorry for my lack of brevity in advance). [hr] Edit Edit: Forgot to mention the greatest comic book character ever. The Phantom. A man in purple, almost deceptively blue tights, fighting pirates with his Colt 1911s and his fists. [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.6Ixkx9EVeJmKoCjJm-6gQAHaKe?w=182&h=257&c=7&o=5&pid=1.7[/img]