[right][img]https://i.imgur.com/dQurhHe.png[/img] [h1]Felix[/h1] Mentions: [@Yankee] Location: M.S Marlow [/right] [hr][hr] [color=F3EC54]"Ugh..."[/color] Felix let out an annoyed growl under his breath as the announcement finished. Immediately he was being forced to deal with other people. It felt a little too familiar to something he had hoped to have forgotten, especially so far from home. Wasn't he supposed to be getting away from it all!? That was the one thing he'd hoped this trip might actually accomplish. [color=F3EC54]"Stop looking at me like that, I'm not doing it. They only said it's a recommendation,"[/color] Felix could [i]feel[/i] his mawile, Venus, staring at him. It had been years since it had actually spent any significant time inside a pokeball. [color=F3EC54]"Hey! I said no!"[/color] he protested again as Venus began insistently nudging him with her stubby little arms. In response to [i]that[/i], Venus's jaw-like horns spread open menacingly. [color=F3EC54]"Wh-"[/color] [i]CHOMP![/i] The "jaws" clamped down on his right hand. It didn't hurt exactly, and fortunately the "teeth" were spread apart, so his hand was nestled "safely" between them, rather than being impaled on them. [color=F3EC54]"Venus, I swear, if you don't let go in the next five seconds I'm putting you back in your ball!"[/color] Felix reached for his hip and found... one less ball than he should have. [color=F3EC54]"You didn't..."[/color] He took a deep breath and looked down to see Venus's pokeball held firmly in Venus's hands. [color=F3EC54]"You little- WAH! Hey!"[/color] Felix was suddenly jerked forward and Venus began walking off, his hand still held firmly in her "jaws." As small as mawile were, they were still pokemon. Being a steel type, they packed a lot of weight and power in their small frames. He could do nothing but complain in vain as he was dragged across the ship. He stumbled each time Venus turned her head to look around, seeming to forget that he was currently attached to her head. [color=F3EC54]"Stop i-"[/color] [color=F3EC54]"Give it b-"[/color] [color=F3EC54]"Will you at least slow-"[/color] Each protest was usually cut off by another sudden change in direction until the little steel type saw someone waving. Currently they were standing on their own, so to her it seemed like the perfect opportunity. Sure [i]technically[/i] she wasn't necessarily waving at them, but such things did not concern the hard-headed pokemon. She was more concerned with making sure her trainer got there before anyone else so he could join a group. One precarious flight of stairs later and a panting Felix was standing there, his pokemon waving happily at the woman. [color=F3EC54]"Please let go now..."[/color] Felix groaned under his breath. His request was, again, denied. [color=F3EC54]"Grrr, fine!"[/color] He stood up straight and ran his free hand down his face before speaking again through gritted teeth. [color=F3EC54]"Hi, I'm Felix. I could use a group if you don't already have one."[/color] The corner of his mouth briefly attempted to twitch into a smile, but was quickly weighed down by the frustration boiling just below the surface. [color=F3EC54]"Happy?!"[/color] he quickly shot a glare back at his pokemon once the introduction was over with. This time his hand was finally freed and the pokeball returned to him, leaving one to question who was really in charge here. His hand tightened around the capsule, but Venus had already folded her hands, her horns tucked neatly behind her head once more, acting the perfect angel and pretending she hadn't just physically hauled her trainer halfway across the ship. Felix sighed and just put the ball away, [color=F3EC54]"You're lucky you're cute..."[/color] he hissed under his breath.