Luckily for Dean, the coroner was looking down at their ID's when he broke his cover just a little bit by looking Mika proudly. The coroner soon lead the way to the bodies, letting both Dean and Mika follow him behind and Mika smirked when Dean whispered to her his impression of what she just did. Hearing him be in such awe at her bull that she spewed out to the coroner meant a lot to her, more than he would probably realise. "Watched way too many crime dramas" she whispered back to him, smiling at the feel of his hand on her lower back before he snapped back into agent mode. She followed the coroner into the main part of the morgue where the bodies in question were still on the tables and covered with a sheet, except for their heads and necks. There were three of them and their necks looked like they were ripped open by some sort of animal. "Here they are" the coroner said, walking over to them with both Mika and Dean and picking up the files, handing them to the two of them. "I must say, these three have me completely stumped. It looks like they were attacked by some kind of big cat or some kind of rabid dog but there's no way there would be big cats roaming around here and according to animal control no rabid dogs are around" the coroner explained to them both, as Mika flipped through the file that she had in her hands, and walked round one of the three bodies to get a closer look. Putting the file down, she picked up a pair of gloves, putting them on and then picked up a scalple to use the blunt end to check the throats to see if there was anything the coroner missed. She could swear she saw something in the throat she was looking at so she looked at Dean and gave him the gesture to come and take a look himself. "Are these the only three with this fatal injury?" She asked the coroner, "Yes, the only three, all absolutely identical. If you find something I haven't I'll be highly surprised. If I don't sign off with some kind of cause of death by the end of the day I feel I'll have no chocie but to put unknown or just say slit throat" the coroner continued. "Well, that's why we're here, to get those answers" she told him.