Sorry for the silence. Here's my unfinished sheet: [hider=CPG] [color=lightgray][center][img][/img] [b]Commonwealth Provisional Government[/b][/center] [b]Territory[/b] Greater Boston area (Boston, Providence, Worcester, Manchester), Cape Cod, and Nuka-World. [b]History[/b] [indent][indent][indent]The mushroom cloud over the C.I.T ruin marked the end of constant paranoia and sleepless nights for the people of the Commonwealth. It was finally free from the Institute's gasp and able to venture towards a brand new day. And it was all thanks to the brave men and women of the Minuteman and its leader, General Rafel Pozo. Known as the Sole Survivor, Rafel emerged from Vault 111 and bought forth change to his home. And yet, it was his encounter with Preston Garvey and the remaining survivors of the Quincy Massacre that sealed the Commonwealth's fate. Even with the Institute gone, there were still problems ongoing that required the Minuteman's attention. One of those problems became immediate upon the news making its way to Diamond City. During a meeting between the City Council and Mayor McDonough, Geneva was last seen escorting a courier into the mayor's office before gunshots erupted. One of the security guards attempted to enter the office but was shot by McDonough. Before he succumbed to his wounds, the guard revealed that the mayor was a synth and had the entire city council hostage. Both Preston and the General arrived to confront McDonough and save the remaining hostages. The Dugout Standoff lasted for a day before the hostages were released without further harm. However, the Sole Survivor shot and killed Mayor McDonough despite promising freedom. Preston was clearly annoyed by the deception and had a rather heated argument inside the office. While it showed that the Minuteman was capable of defending the Commonwealth once more, the general public also saw a divide in leadership. Then, the Sole Survivor ventured into Nuka-World and went unheard for weeks. Those within the Minuteman feared that their General was dead and looked to Preston for guidance. While he was hesitant of accepting the responsibility, Preston [/indent][/indent][/indent] [b]Pressing Issues[/b] You got 99 problems; Don't make a lack of 'em one. Give everyone a list of things to go off of, whether it's arable land, power struggles, electricity problems, or whatever else is relevant to making plot threads. [/color] [/hider]