[center][img]https://iopwiki.com/images/2/29/Grizzly_MkV_S.png[/img][/center] [color=#3374ff][center]Location: [color=black][s]𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℂ𝕠𝕣𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕖 ℤ𝕠𝕟𝕖[/s] “ℕ[s]𝟘[/s] 𝕄𝔸ℕ'𝕊 𝕃𝔸ℕ𝔻”[/color] Interacting with: Various [@Opposition] controlled characters.[/center][/color] [center][hider=The PAWN has reached the end of the board… Promoting PAWN to KNIGHT.][youtube]https://youtu.be/zwAus__hI2Y[/youtube][/hider][/center] [hr] The extraction had gone about as well as it could’ve. The initial swarm of people had tapered off into distinct pulses. There would be a surge, then people would get caught up with trying to find a new entrance once a fight broke out, creating a lull moment where the building emptied. Then another surge would signal the cycle beginning again. Taking advantage of one of the brief lull periods, Glory and Salt made their way free of the building. With Salt being dazed from his rough zipline ride Glory couldn’t make full use of her athleticism. What made matters worse is that her motorcycle was about a dozen miles away, sitting in the secure parking area of Knight Enterprise. It would’ve made getting away just that much easier, but there was no use crying over milk that got left at home. Weaving through buildings and alleyways was working out pretty well. At least until Salt grabbed at Glory’s shoulder and told her that three signatures were present on a nearby ramp. In that instance, both of their earpieces buzzed with a new order. As if it had been planned all along. [b]”New directive for all Knight Enterprise forces: Arrest or incapacitate all aggressor parties. Command out.”[/b] Glory and Salt looked at one another for a few moments before Glory let out a sigh and looked back to the ramp for a few moments before speaking softly. [color=#3374ff]”Well. Orders are orders. Can’t defy ‘em.”[/color] Looking back to Salt. Glory began to rapidly lay out a plan. [color=#3374ff]”Alright. Since you’re kinda roughed up I want you to camp out nearby. Watch my back and drip feed me what info you can with your visor. Alright? Don’t engage unless you feel up for it. Wouldn’t want you to get overwhelmed.”[/color] Salt could only nod a few times. He wanted to help, but she was right: It’d be too easy for him to get overwhelmed should combat get in his face. Adjusting his visor, Salt began to hunt for somewhere to hide and observe as Glory moved towards the ramp. Checking the chamber of her gun, Glory took a deep breath. Making her way over to one of the side walls of the ramp Glory peeked over and started assessing the situation: Three Reavers and a wall of thick smoke. Not good. They looked slightly roughed up already. Rationalizing that it was probably from the riots, Glory also figured that the thick smoke was their doing. Breathing it would probably be bad. With little other information to glean and her window of action closing rapidly, Glory figured she might as well get on with it. Showtime. Moving to a low section of the side wall, Glory hoisted herself over with a good jump for momentum. She landed with a solid thud and dropped into a crouch to absorb the impact. As soon as her feet hit the ground on the other side she brought her gun up and shouted an order at the three Reavers. [color=#3374ff]”Knight Enterprise Police! Get down on your knees and put your hands in the air!”[/color] That sent a shock through their spines. All three of the Reavers suddenly locked onto Glory. There was a little bit of hesitation when they saw that she was pointing a gun in their direction, but that changed when one of them was able to toss another of the clay devices at her. Glory’s vision snapped to it almost immediately, and instinct told her that the odds of shooting it out of the air in time were basically nil at this range. Thus, she did the only other thing she could do: Roll. Pushing off her left foot Glory dodged to the right and rolled along the hot pavement briefly before bringing herself up into a crouch in one fluid motion. The device that had been thrown at her smacked into the ground right next to where she’d been just a few moments ago and began to fill the air with smoke. Whatever they were, they weren’t good. Thankfully the Reavers seemed to be out of them, as they had begun to rapidly close the distance between them. One of them pulled a knife, another a pipe. Then the last one seemed to pull out a screwdriver. Glory fixated on that for a split second, reminded of what she had almost done so long ago. But the thud of foot on pavement broke the trance. Bringing her gun up once more, Glory pulled the trigger firmly. Thunder boomed as the .50 Action Express round left the barrel and shredded the leading knee of the knife wielding Reaver. A sickening crunch came as he put weight on it before the full impact of the shot hit him and he collapsed. It wasn’t pretty, but Glory couldn’t hesitate. Glory’s aim shifted to her next target: The Reaver with the screwdriver. Again her gun roared as she took another shot, but this one missed and impacted on the side wall across the street. Mentally swearing, Glory pushed herself up from her crouching stance before adjusting her aim and taking another shot. This one didn’t miss, and the Reaver’s leading shin bone folded as he screamed before hitting the ground. The third reaver, however, was close enough now that he could swing his pipe and realistically make a threat. He was off by milmeters, but Glory instinctively pulled away from the threaded end of the pipe regardless. The Reaver didn’t hesitate before swinging again, this time well within range to bring the pipe down right on her head if his swing connected. Thankfully, Glory managed to duck out of the way, and only felt the pipe glance off of her jacket. She didn’t have time to think about the fact that if she’d been a little to the left the pipe would have probably broken her shoulder. Pushing herself forward Glory pushed that shoulder into The Reaver’s chest and staggered him briefly. That brief stagger was then capitalized on as she hooked her foot behind his and pulled it forward, causing him to fall onto his back. Leveling her gun at his chest, Glory glared down at the now defeated Reaver and issued a firm command. [color=#3374ff]”Don’t move.”[/color] The Reaver, out of viable options, sank into the ground and let the pipe go with a clatter. Satisfied, Glory holstered her gun and got to work. Grabbing The Reaver’s wrist she pushed him over onto his stomach and began to cuff him. One pair of cuffs down, two more to go. At least until the revving sound of something being started got her attention. Glory’s vision snapped up and she drew her gun again. Instinct told her to reload, but she knew that she still had four shots left. It would probably be enough. Scanning around the ramp, Glory cursed the smoke that billowed from whatever devices The Reavers had thrown. The groans of pain from the two Reavers that had been shot along with the chaotic sounds still echoing from the crowd dispersing made it even harder to try and find out where the new sound was coming from. Scanning around, Glory took a risk and moved one hand from her gun to her ear. Pressing down on the earpiece she wore, Glory pinged Salt and began to speak [color=#3374ff]”Salt. This is Glory. I need you to get up here. The smoke is too thick for me to see through and I don’t think that it’s just the three you saw here. Over.”[/color] Once she was done speaking, Glory’s hand snapped back to her gun and she scanned the area again. The revving sound was growing louder, and Glory still couldn’t quite pin down where it was coming from. Until it surged. The next few moments all happened in a blur. First, the [color=firebrick]Ghoul[/color] that had been hiding within the smoke leapt forward, a thick bandanna making the smoke tolerable for so long. Second, he brought down what looked to be a handheld chainsaw onto the joints of Glory’s arms. Third, Glory shrieked in pain. And then there was silence. Glory’s brain shut down from the extreme amount of pain that was delivered to it, and she fainted immediately. She didn’t know if Salt arrived, she didn’t know who attacked her. She didn’t know how she would cope with what happened. The next thing Glory knew she was waking up in a recovery bed in a location she’d never seen before. And her arms were much, much heavier.