[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6w4V9ZJ.png[/img] Level 9 Blazermate - (29/90) Bottomless Sea > the Maw room 2.5 Words: less than 750 [/center] Blazermate was calling out where Moreau was as Jr. and Mirage did their thing. And they were successful! They managed to drain the water that blocked their path forward, and Moreau didn't take that well. Due to the damage they had been doing to the room to fight and distract Moreau, Blazermate used her ability to fly and easily carry others to escort those who needed aid to the command center where others were gathering, it also had people in trouble with something that Blazermate could help them with! Moreau didn't take the fact that people were managing to escape well, and decided to chase down those that he could, even getting out of the water to do so! Link being his primary target, but everyone nearby being in danger. Link seemed to be able to keep away from him though, even with his small body and hunger issues. Peach had been injured and others were fending off some kind of monster thing in the Command Center, so Blazermate had to make that her first choice before doing anything to help Link out. Grabbing a larger sheet of scrap, Blazermate held onto it like it was a shield and made her way to help deal with the creature that rika and Mirage were having to deal with that was advancing on those that hung over there. Using a chain to help control her flight, Blazermate spun around on it to gain momentum, the centrifical force multiplying her flight speed when she eventually let go and barreled towards the creature that Rika was shooting with her cannons. Shield held out in front, Blazermate tried her best to slam into that thing with her makeshift shield. Sadly she wasn't the heaviest medabot, but even so, she was sure she could help knock over some humanoid creature. She lost said shield in the process as she refused to keep a hold of it upon impact, using it to jump away and counteract her own impact force so she didn't tumble with the creature. Should the creature fall off, she'd start to stabalize and heal up Peach, since it and her flight were really the only functions she could do right now. The water was drained and link was distracting the thing she was watching.