[b][i]Darnic Prestone Yggdmillenia[/i][/b] After sending a Familiar to Archer of Black to come over in Spiritual Form, as well as for Caules to send Berserker of Black to do the same, Darnic walked towards Yao Ying Xi, the 'wandering magus' who had joined the Black Team for her own interests. Due to siding with Yggdmillenia, but not joining her bloodline to the [i]family[/i] itself, she was suspicious, especially as she had one unique... 'Supernatural Skill' which cannot just be added to the collection of knowledge that the Yggdmillenia Family had. Nevertheless, as the Master of Saber of Black, she was a useful asset... And potentially dangerous. So with a slight smile, he waited for her to notice his presence before he said his next words, "Ms. Xi, just the person I was seeking. How are you doing and how is Saber of Black?" He knew she found him suspicious as well, so he didn't try and project a false image of trustworthiness as he continued, "Yggdmillenia has been the refuge of Magi on hard times, who have fallen into destitution and humiliation. So it is... Exceptional for those who have not experienced such circumstances to show interest in our activities, much less express support for our actions. While I can understand the motivations of people such as our Atlas Defector - She wants revenge on Atlas as much as I do on the Clock Tower, and that keeps her with me despite her own prejudices against my person - I don't understand yours'." His smile grew wider as he continued, "Which makes you very suspicious, as there literally isn't any incentive for you not to turn against us after we've given you whatever you wanted." He looked around, searching for any eavesdroppers, before saying, "So I want to make an offer: I give you whatever you need from our faction and I won't summon Lancer here for 'personal safety... And for the duration of this war, you marry my heir, Caules Forvridge Yggdmillenia, to seal our alliance. That way, I can rest easy knowing that the Master of the Strongest Servant in our ranks is practically part of the family." [i]That and if she chooses to have any children with Caules, they might be strong Magi in their own right...[/i] Darnic thought as he made a subtle gesture with his left hand to Archer of Black, plus Caules' Berserker, assuming she or her master obeyed his instructions to come here. This gesture was a signal to potentially attack if Ms. Xi responded with [i]violence[/i] towards his offer. [@GreenGoat][@ManyThings]