Someday, someone might ask you what dreams are woven out of. Here's what you tell them. For your thread, you need inspiration spun all round and about until its smooth and free of knots. For the loom, you carve from joy and lay the thread upon it. And for the needle, you take just a little bit of talent and natural inclination and you hammer them to a point, sharp as a sunbeam. Chen has them all in spades. Where she stumbled on explaining herself and her struggles and all this pressure, and lost her words entirely when Rose picked her up in a squeaking mess, Jessic might be surprised to have said all that once and quickly and see Chen nodding and repeating it: "broken wheel of reincarnation, destroyed the king of darkness, fortune tellers reading people's fates between enlightenment and demonhood, got it, got it." And then it comes on and she's enraptured. She leans and rolls with Ydian's fights, one arm matching the swordwork. She squeaks and blushes and throws up her hands when Ydian finds herself compromised by her arch nemesis and probably maybe girlfriend Zeryn, she grabs the nearest couch cushion to hug when Ydian has to consult her grandmother's ghost for advice on the dregs of the king of darkness, and she cheers when the hero triumphs at the end through pluck, hope, and the love of her friends. Halfway through the second episode, she finds herself unconsciously leaning on Jessic for support as Ydian despairs at ever escaping Zeryn's clutches for a second time as the clock ticks down on the theft of a magic crystal depowering her home town. And when Ydian has to disguise herself as one of Zeryn's veiled handmaidens to escape, she blushes and hides her face in Jessic's scales and keeps watching by glancing through her arm. And when they're done with this bit and Jessic calls for a break, Chen looks up at her with eyes big as saucers and asks "do you have one where the hero is a leopard princess? Or a cat maybe? Or a wolf even?"