Dean spread the wound a bit, seeing the hair that Mika was seeing, but not quite making out what it was, until she pulled it out with the tweezers. He leaned in close to her head as she held the hair up to the light, and he shook his head, “I don’t know.” He walked over to where she had laid the file, and picked it up, flipping through it as she theorized. He narrowed his eyes, looking at how incomplete the file was, and thought about werewolves and their MO if they weren’t cutting hearts. Usually, fights between packs could end in a throat being ripped out, but from what he had seen in his time dealing with them, they were typically at a half stage, and so the bite would be mostly human. “A skin walker? I thought those only existed down in New Mexico…”, he muttered, flipping the file shut, and laying it back on the tray he got it from, “If it’s a skin walker, it will be hard to suss out. I mean, it can be anything. Any animal. And we’re talking about something big. Do we even have a gun that big?” Dean was almost paranoid it was a werewolf pack, even though he knew better. But the idea that a bear or a tiger was roaming around eating on people’s necks wasn’t much better of an option, in his mind.