[quote=@ZAVAZggg] *Arrives with a single large duffle bag slung over my shoulder* [color=silver]Is this the ship?[/color] [/quote] *The chief spots you amongst the crowd as you approach* Yes! Come on in. Quickly! *suddenly the sky is painted with a dark purple hue, and a single figure floats effortlessly above it* Ezmeralda: To the citizens of this planet, I offer you protection in the form of salvation. I offer you everlasting, painless life within the Amaranthine. I am not your enemy, rather your liberator. No need to go hungry, no need to go without. Should you chose ot become one with the Amaranthine, you will be spared, and join the greatest family in existence. Should you fight against the wave of progress... you will be purged. Harlock: no... we're too late.... we didnt even get a ship off the ground... Chief: wait, that was what attacked you? This ominous woman? Harlock: *shakily raises my hand* that [i]thing[/i] killed my wife. Killed my crew. They left me alive as a lesson.... I don't know why. Chief: .... god help us all.