[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/817832350204297236/870732427495092315/unknown.png[/img][/center] “KEEP FIRING! TAKE IT OUT OF THE AIR!” Meka-Neck shouted while operating one of the turrets while using his extendable neck to check on another. Eventually the barrage of blasts took out the shadow dragon’s left wing and it faded away like black smoke. The dragon cried and crashed into the ground, a small earthquake erupted for several moments afterwards. The rumble of the ground managed to knock Fisto’s drink off of the wooden table it sat on. He was at least thirty feet in the air in the top of a large Eternian tree, his home looking like a tree house mixed with a retired gym owner’s quarters. In a matter of seconds his chest armor was on and he leaped from the tree down to the ground below. You could hear him tearing through the forest as he got closer to the palace and the city walls. “They managed to take the dragon out of the air, Ram Man. Maybe we’ll catch a break with these serpents too?” Teela joked as several of the large snake like shadow constructs were nearing the walls of the city. Fisto came leaping out of the forest at the shadow serpents with big metal right hands for several of them before they began retreating towards Lord Masque and his now wingless shadow dragon. “Where’s your father when you need him, Teela?” Fisto asked punching the last shadow serpent repeatedly before it began to back off and slither away as well. Suddenly Man At Arms showed up in a large vehicle that looked like a giant toy. “I wanted to bring more than a fist to a gun fight, little brother. I brought a walking tank.” Duncan said stating the obvious from his somewhat Robotech styled transportation with large robotic legs but no arms.