[@BigPapaBelial] Looks good, put her in the character tab! [@Birdboy] So some of the aspects of his personality seem a little contradictory. You say he's meek and slow to anger but then you say he's hotheaded. If he's a hothead, he would not be slow to anger at all. And if its easy for him to get angry enough to murder people and set stuff on fire, I wouldn't say kind hearted is exactly a trait that coincides with that. As far as skills, none of these skills point to him being a mechanic. And hardly any of them point to him having spent time in the Khans. They aren't really known for their computer hacking and the khans definitely know how to handle a gun. Finally, luck isn't a skill. Revise your sheet and let me know when you're done if you want me to take another look at it.