Captain DeBaker noticed the individual approaching, but she paid no mind to the person right away. When the woman held out the folio containing her pilot's license and summation of her racing achievements. The captain couldn’t help her smile, “[color=00746b]Yes, Yes I am.[/color]” She said confidently when the other asked if she was Captain DeBaker. Listening to what this Stelle-pilot-character had to say for herself, Captain DeBaker was internally thanking the gods or whoever was watching, “[color=00746b]You are in luck, Stella. You’re our last puzzle piece and I am glad that you showed up, since we really needed a pilot.[/color]” She could say that she was extremely relieved that Stella, a pilot, showed up. “[color=00746b]Welcome Aboard, Stelle.[/color]” Captain DeBaker gestured to the other crew members, “[color=00746b]I think we have everyone now that you showed up, so we can definitely get that ship out of the compound now.[/color]” Apple DeBaker seemed excited now. [@Sylvan]