[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210321/d4c9096245e86ddcc604696fdd4644be.png[/img] [hider=Unamused.] [img]https://safebooru.org//images/1848/2d68820f4fbec2d65e40689ef1de293604ad620b.jpeg?1930416[/img] [/hider] [color=Silver][sub]December 30th - Rear Trench[/sub][/color][/center] [hr] The marksman watched as another man entered the room. He was tall, had pale skin, and was quiet and disciplined. When he did speak, he did so with a thick Imperial accent-- he definitely seemed to have lived there for quite some time. Elliot pondered this; perhaps the man was a deserter or defector, or maybe he was a POW pressed into service in a desperate bid to bolster the ranks of the army. Both are uncommon situations, but it certainly would not be the first time either has happened. Meanwhile, the Darcsen gunner stormed off in a huff, the threat of being court-martialed apparently too much to bear. She certainly didn't leave quietly, and though Elliot said nothing, he couldn't help but sigh. The woman was clearly volatile-- he'd have to be careful around her. From there, a number of things happened. The Oceanic woman, drink in hand, went after the Darcsen, and Michael, thinking to lighten the mood, let loose a one-two combo of terrible puns. Elliot chose not to dignify the attempt at levity with a proper response. The meeting room seems to have been particularly busy, though. The sergeant chose to focus his attention on the bearded man. There was no doubt about it now, these two had a history. The NCO in question essentially shooed the squadmates present away, and the marksman was more than happy to oblige him. Without a word, Elliot gathered his things, secured his belongings, and made his way outside. The marksman didn't wait to see if he was followed, but he figured that if he waited out near the front of the tavern, they'd come over. It was far enough away to give the two men their privacy, and close enough that the other members of the raiding party could spot them. The marksman donned his ushanka, and tugged it close. [color=#239C89]"So."[/color] He started, speaking to nobody in particular. [color=#239C89]"What kind of history do you think those two share?"[/color] Elliot wasn't really one for gossip, but he figured it was a decent way of breaking the ice between the quieter members of his squad. Plus, he was genuinely interested in hearing their thoughts.