With things said and done, trap set and the girls prepped, there was little else to do but hide and wait. The pair would watch as the hours of the day slowly whittled away, with the workers in the fields milling about, doing their chores and laboring tirelessly. Brandy had no shortage of comments and '[i]insight[/i]' about farm-work and was none too shy about sharing this with Alice... Like, non-stop sharing... To the point where the werewolf would later have to shush the farm-enthusiast-satyr so as to not give away their position before their prey even made an attempt at appearing. The sun sailed across the sky slowly,a nd as noon turned to evening and evening to dusk, more clouds had formed and begun shrouding the sky. It might end up raining during the night, or at least there wouldn't be any moon or starlight once the sun had set. Fortunately, the red glow of the setting sun was still enough to illuminate the surroundings for both of the girls to see. The setting sun also signalled the end of today's work, and the farmers began packing up for the day - storing away their tools and supplies, with some heading for the barn-like bunkhouse while others began their trek back towards the village of Litroot. When Alice offered the earplugs to Brandy, the satyr looked at them confused. She then seemed to have a proverbial candle light above her head, and was just about to eat the damned things before she noticed Alice shoving them into her ears. The tanned little satyr looked at the werewolf and blinked a few times, then looked at the plugs in her hand, then back at Alice. She shrugged and then clumbsily placed them into her own ears, making a discomfortable face as she did so... Apparently she'd neither ever seen nor heard of these devices before, and had for some reason mistaken them for those little crisp-bread things you put in meals... Eventually, after many hours of waiting and minutes of scanning their immediate vicinity, the two girls were treated to some good fortune. A pair of erect, suspiscious rabbit-like ears appeared at the fringes of the farm, not too far from their position. Lured by a bit of bait and the trap set by Alice, the horned rabbit - which was a tad larger than one might expect - made its appearance, complete with [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUv57wBUnyc]Mega Man-boss selection theme[/url] and intro-slide-cards. In truth, the 'rabbit' was less of a rabbit and more along the size of fully-grown Boxer (the dog, not the athelete). With moist black eyes, it scanned the farmlands, sniffed the air with its small pink nose and twitched it ears like audio-parabols to try and pick up any hints of potential threats. Brandy almost squeed and spoiled their position, but was able to cover up her mouth and just let hot air escape instead of a high-pitched and girly squeal. Slowly approaching, the horned bunny got closer and closer, foot by foot, inch by inch... And then... [i]Flomp![/i] [b][i]KABRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~![/i][/b] Trap triggered and bomb exploded. The hairs on Brandy's neck, as well as the fur on her tail, ears and extremities all stood on end, evn with the earplugs. This was the first time she had ever heard something so loud so close up and personal. Her eyes were wide and agape, and she had a genuinely stupified expression on her [s]stupid[/s] face. Their quarry was, as expected, equally disoriented, frightened and confused, looking around in bewilderment and not being sure where to go or what to do, stamping its hind-foot hard against the grassy ground and making panicked squeaky noises... Mixed with hissing. Brandy shook her head, slapped her own cheek - lightly - and thens tood up, arms raised in a fighting-like-stance and, with her head turned skywards, let out some kind of battle cry. "[b]RAAAAAAAAH! OKAY, AL! LEY'S GET 'IM![/b]" With speed similar to what she had dsiplayed earlier when going to change clothes, the satyr hopped over the shrubbery they had used as a hiding spot and charged ahead, full speed, towards the perplexed and frightened critter. Hearing the clippity-clops of hooves, the tiny [i](not actually tiny)[/i] bunny turned its gaze towards the oncoming threat. What followed was a scene that would have likely made for a very good choice of a tale at a local tavern. As Brandy drew closer, the horned rabbit narrowed its eyes. When she just about to get within reach, the creature hopped up - straight from where it had been sitting - and somehow performed what could only be described as a rabbit's version of a roundhouse kick. Time seemed to slow down to slow-motion-levels of crawl, and the bunny's fuzzy eet connected with Brandy's not-so-fuzzy-face. Had this been an action-movie, the camera would've zoomed in as Brandy's face was twisted and contorted as the force of the rabbit's kick rippled through her... But what was even more surprising than this, was that the creature had enough force in its attack to actually cause Brandy's body to lift from the ground, become airborne and go sailing backwards and land with a mix of a thumping and rustling noise as the bodacious babe went and landed several feet away in a small collection of bushes. Oh, and while the kick was connecting with her face, she let out a bullet-time scream of: "[i]Nooooooooooo![/i]" The horned rabbit then turned its gaze towards where Alice and Brandy had been hiding, spotting the werewolf. Its face and eyes seemd to be saying: 'Well? Come get some!' or something along those lines. Meandwhile, Brandy was lying rather unceremoniously on her back in a crumpled fashion, with eyes spinning and a mix of shock, horror and confusion plastered on her face.