[hider= Johnathan Philip Flint] Name: Johnathan Philip Flint (Goes by J.P. or Flint) Age: 23 Rank: [UNSC Navy] Petty Officer Second Class Species: Human Appearance: Standing a meek 5'7" and weighing in at 154lbs Flint is small to say the least. [hider=Rough look][img]https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-uvhzyTJ1Im8/TgE4zrScP-I/AAAAAAAAABw/yNRRlUev4N0/s1600/sci+fi+soldier.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=In Gear][img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.50f7b4e2e49df819c631569ec9bc4006?rik=fCqx8MMKvSt9jw&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimg4.wikia.nocookie.net%2f__cb20131207074222%2fcrossoverrp%2fimages%2f6%2f66%2fUnsc_army_soldier_by_lordhayabusa357-d6rq6km.png&ehk=jH6udvK3c0Gkhrzm078es5p3WyYAdgcrSbl1I9IpD%2fY%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw[/img][/hider] Skills: All things Mechanical- Weapons maintenance/Vehicle operation and maintenance/Doors/Control panels/Heavy machinery/Etc. He can read most varieties of covenant languages but speaks none of them. Preferred Weapons/Equipment: Primary - [url=https://www.halopedia.org/M392_DMR]M392[/url] Secondary - [url=https://halo.fandom.com/wiki/M6C/SOCOM]M6S[/url] Equipment - M11 Combat Knife, Smoke Canisters of all sorts, his favorite tools Personality: "If you met the the young man, you'd think he was possessed by a grumpy elder gentleman. Do try to look past his poor manners, you'll find him to be a truly brilliant individual." - Dr. Sherwin Flint's a minimalist and always has something to complain about but once its time to work he gets eerily quiet with a razor sharp focus written all across his face. In fact he prefers working in peace and quiet however has adapted to become just as efficient under stress and surrounded by loud noises. Background: The majority of Flints experience within the UNSC Navy has been entirely under the ONI Intelligence and Exploitation Division. After Flint finished his initial entry training he discovered that he wasn't particularly fond of "Big Navy" as he called it. All the hardcore, gung-ho initiates yelling all the time and always busting their asses to show off to the Chiefs. Flint didn't like that or all the supervision and restriction. So he volunteered to be trained as an Intelligence and Exploitation Engineer. They had an entrance exam that wasn't much of a hurdle. He got transferred and immediately started studying under Doctor Edith Sherwin in the Intellegence Division. Dr. Sherwin had many engineers training under her but took a special liking to Flint. "I couldn't ever put my finger on it. I just felt like somewhere underneath all his disregard and lack of enthusiasm there was a brilliant mind that was yearning to be challenged." - Dr. Sherwin She was right. Once Flint started learning, he couldn't stop himself. He first educated himself on all types of UNSC transports and combat vehicles. Ground, Air, Sea and Space. Excelling past all his peers he was promoted quickly and eventually was re-assigned to the Exploitation division where his talents helped the UNSC dissect covenant tech and reengineer/repurpose it for UNSC use. After three years of lab work, Flint was volunteered by his commanding officer to join some of the recovery teams. This is where he got a taste for working on things directly on the battlefield, far behind the actual combat of course. Recovery teams were only a few engineers escorted by a platoon of marines. They took apart what they could and marked specific technology for recovery at a later date. Flint was still unsatisfied with the parts and pieces he got to look at and play with. He wanted less supervision and wanted to get his hands on whatever the enemy had while it wasn't shot to hell. He got his opportunity once he promoted to Petty Officer Second Class. A particular Team was being put together and needed a competent and independent engineer that could run with a highly trained group of individuals. Flint brought up his desire to join with Dr. Sherwin and she pulled a few strings to get him the slot. [/hider]