[center][img]https://i.gifer.com/2r5w.gif[/img] Level 6: 09/60 Location: The Maw: The Depths Word Count: <750 Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 10/60 [/center] Sakura tensed up as the proxy seemed to spot her, but fortunately her teammates covered her, just like she predicted. Soon afterwards, Mister Geralt came to her aid in rescuing Princess Peach. She smiled nervously at him and continued escorting poor Peach behind the console and out of easy access from the creature. After nearly getting attacked, the little girl was much less eager to whisper, let alone speak. Sakura sat down next to Peach and crossed her legs, cradling Peach's head in her lap so she wouldn't be on the cold hard floor. And her body was probably quieter than echoing metal. Sakura looked up at Geralt and shrugged, eyes wide, not sure what to do. She couldn't see much of what was going on anymore and she wasn't going to leave Peach alone. Sakura's bottle was now where Peach was, if it got knocked over it would make a small noise. This console center felt like a safe place. If the creature heard any noises, he would probably smack into the console before figuring out how to get around it. If other people wanted to regroup here, they could. Sakura just looked at Mister Geralt and then back down at Peach, holding a hand against the Princess's head. Sakura hoped everyone, especially Bella who looked to be the most exposed after throwing that bottle. What the others were up too, she couldn't know. Well, she could guess, actually. Cannons and jetpack jets began going off. Sounded like some people were fighting back. Rika, and maybe Blazermate? Going by the noises. Sakura hoped they would succeed but outside of that she couldn't do much else. [center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ObfXRuxb6cIycBndF6yb4wfoMPCaSkClHh6nJ7k7w1E/%3Fcb%3D20190315052123/https/static.wikia.nocookie.net/control6745/images/f/fe/Pyramid2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340[/img] Level 3: 14/30 Word Count: 436 Location: Al Mamoon- Rocket Inc Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 15/30[/center] Jesse shrugged at Ciella's request, walking up and calling the elevator, smacking the bottom of her curled fist against the button. Just another day at the office. The lift wasn't big enough for everyone. But the bigger members of the team could be shrunk down in order to accommodate this. A perfect plan, were it not for the sudden harassment of their group by floors of goons. As such, at the beginning of every fight Jesse spent the first few moments aiming at and unshrinking some people back to their full size. After that she just used her Grip Service Weapon to semi-automatically focus down troublesome targets. All in all, it wasn't a huge hassle. If anything, it was easier than what she was used too. Walking into and then clearing out a room full of enemies was like, her entire job description for the first couple of days. And she didn't have superpowered help back then. This place was bigger than it looked. At least down here. Jesse briefly welded her foot to the ground to not get knocked over by a gust of wind. Massive chambers that probably shouldn't fit where they're built? Familiar. Nostalgic, even. Soon they entered a massive room, and Jesse barely spotted the enigmatic villain behind this entire thing. Mao gave everybody the low-down. After a brief but fruitless confrontation with Ciella, this annoying little lady order her mind controlled minions to get to work. Jesse recognized most of them, especially Fuse and the Dragonborn. Given their perfect health, there must be a healer among the Resistance. Or maybe those magical items healed them up. When the fight kicked off, Jesse still had her Tool Gun out. The Director dashed forward and to the side, staying by the wall. She reached her telekinetic grasp for one of the long, pointy spear-like objects sticking out of the ground. Ripping one up, she hit it with a Tool Gun to double it's size, lifted it high, and then flung it a high velocity directly towards Number Two. Not in a straight line, as if to impale her, but spinning like a slower helicopter blade. Kill shots usually weren't effective unless the enemy had been softened up first. Giving Number Two a mighty sharp thwack with a spinning piece of metal might do her some good. At the very least, her team might get a glimpse of what kind of defenses the leader had protecting her. Switching to her Service Weapon, Jesse was flanking around the right side and started firing at Shadow the Hedgehog. [i](This is so weird.)[/i] He seemed dangerous and if she could stop him from doing any more crazy Hedgehog spells, that'd be great. While she fired, she was running and pre-emptively evading fire coming her way. Especially putting pillars between her and the enemies she wasn't firing at.