[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210728/c15625f21e7cc61545a828c2c46e0b00.png[/img][hr][hider=Mila] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTk5MTBjOGQtMWU5Mi00NTM2LWIyNmItODYyNTQ4YzI1OWNjXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjUwNzk3NDc@._V1_SY1000_SX750_AL_.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center][hr] The murky waters of semi-consciousness held tightly upon the slumbering Mila Ford. She was tossing and turning violently as whatever was occurring in her mind kept her from peaceful rest. The sudden rapping on her door along with the resounding alarm slowly tears Mila out of her rest. The young woman slowly sits up from her couch while holding a hand to her head. Man, her head was pounding. She was even sweating a bit, but the night's dream quickly faded from memory before she could latch on to it. She yanked her phone from its place to shut off at least one of the dreadful noises. "Mila. Are you alright in there?" Hearing the voice, Mila let out a long groan and quickly made her way to the door. She didn't even look through the peephole before opening her apartment door to see Officer Garcia. She tried to put up a front, but the dark under her eyes along with her frazzled hair told all to the parole officer. "Mila. You look awful." That was all the woman said before walking in. [color=orange]"Thanks, ma'am. I try my best."[/color] Closing the door, Mila rested her head against the door. [color=orange]"Did you happen to bring any coffee this time?"[/color] "I don't do charity, Mila. If you want coffee then fix it yourself or pay me." With that Mila stood up as straight as she could and made her way to the small kitchen area. She started brewing two cups of coffee as she watched Garcia go about her usual inspection. Mila hated this part most about the parole process. She knew Garcia would never find anything but she had hoped that being out of prison would give her a modicum of privacy. At least Garcia was nice. Well, most of the time. Mila could tell the woman was aggravated with her about something. When the older woman got a good look at the couch she turned to Mila with this look then said, "You have a bed. Why do you keep sleeping on the couch?" [color=orange]"The bed feels too soft sometimes. It's also closer to coffee."[/color] "Still having those nightmares? I can easily get you set up with a shrink." Leaning her elbows on the counter and head in hands, the young woman groaned. [color=orange]"I've proven I'm not a problem. I really don't want anyone psychoanalyzing me. I need some privacy. One person knowing all my secrets is enough."[/color] "Is that why you didn't go home for Thanksgiving? What? You didn't think your brother wouldn't tell me? Look, I've seen it before. You're scared to see the way they look at you. Mila, they are your family. Lots of families shun a member who becomes a felon. Yours actively want to spend time with you. But not right now, you are aware of what time it is?" At the question Mila slowly and with a bit of dread looks at her clock. [color=orange]"Ah, sh-"[/color] "Language." Mila grunts at the woman, [color=orange]"Shoot!"[/color] Then quickly rushes to the bathroom to get ready for the day. She was cutting time close. She had class in less than an hour. She couldn't miss class three times in a row. Hoping it would help wake her up, she took a cold shower and ignoring the need to work on her hair she simply put on a beanie and rushed out the door with her backpack in hand. The travel from her apartment to school wasn't long or arduous but on days like this, she regretted not staying in the dorms. Luckily enough for her, she made it just in time for class. It was also a bad thing as Mila had forgotten entirely that they were having a test today. Putting her head in her hands, Mila really wanted to go back to sleep. That would just be a momentary escape. She'd likely have whatever dream that was again. But she would have to face the music. She hadn't studied at all, but hey this was math. As long as she had her calculator she could get through this. Moments later her head was laid down like a sack of bricks on the desk. In her hurry, she forgot to prepare her backpack for this school day. Meaning she had brought nothing she would need for her typical day on a Monday. Taking a quick look around, hoping to find someone with an extra calculator, Mila noticed the guy who usually sat to her left was not there. Maybe it would be better to ditch this class and try to take it later. No, that wouldn't work. The professor has already walked in and who knows what would happen if she missed another class. Thankfully, the girl who sat on her right, Marisa, was one of the only 'friends' she had made since getting out on parole. The girl tended to bring an extra of everything so surely she'd lend Mila a calculator. But when Mila whispered over for help, Marisa pretended not to hear. Refusing to even face Mila. A pang of guilt hit Mila wondering if the girl had figured out about her past. That would be something future Mila would have to deal with as the tests were now being passed out. She had run out of time to get a calculator from someone else and was certain she'd fail. A grueling hour later and Mila's stress levels are through the roof. The woman was sure she failed. Was this day just going to be complete trash? There was nothing she could do about this failing grade now. Turning to Marisa, Mila watched her get up with a huff and march away after giving a mean glare to Mila. The girl seemed to be saying to leave her alone with that glare, but Mila wasn't going to heed that message. She quickly grabbed her things and rushed after Marisa. In a hushed tone, [color=orange]"Marisa. Hey, Marisa. WAIT!"[/color] Once they were far enough away from others the younger of the two turned to look at Mila. A momentary pause lasted while both seemed to try to find the right words. [color=orange]"Mari-"[/color] "Mila, I know what you did. My dad got furious when he found out you were my friend. I had heard some girl got arrested from where he worked. If I'd known it was you I wouldn't have even talked to you." [color=orange]"Look, Marisa. I don't care if you don't believe me, but I didn't do it."[/color] "Why is that the first thing out of your mouth? Did you know who my father was? Is that why you wanted to hang out with me?" A short pause elapsed as Mila tried to figure out the right words, [color=orange]"No. No, okay. But I did find out. I didn't want to say anything in risk of losing you as a friend."[/color] Mila felt guilty. She had gotten quite good at lying but she couldn't keep herself from growing closer to others. "I don't know if I can believe that. I'll think about it though. For now, please leave me alone." With that, Marisa walked off. With much less anger than before but it still hurt Mila a bit. She walked in the opposite direction, needing to think about things too.