[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YWzKiCZ.png[/img][/center] [center]Princess Annalise[/center] Annalise finally got a break from dancing when one of the Princes had a rather loud outburst. He had been the quiet one out of the bunch so she hadn’t exactly shown much interest toward him. He hadn’t shown much interest in her to be fair so it was a fair trade. She furrowed her eyebrows at the rather mean things he said to his sister. Sure she and her siblings had fought but it was usually in private. She remembered sitting through a dinner with a few of the Lords of the land absolutely furious at one of her sisters for something she couldn’t even remember anymore, but still, none of the Lords had any clue because she remained silent about it. Deciding to take the shock of the nearby onlookers as a chance to take a break, Annalise found a seat to the side to rest her feet and legs. A servant came by and offered her a drink which she happily took, and gracefully waved away anyone that came to her looking to dance. At least for now, she needed a break. [center]______________________________________________________[/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bMteDNt.png[/img][/center] [center] Prince Gil Jalal of Afdan Interaction with [@Wolvena][/center] Gil looked up from a conversation he was having, to the Prince who had the outburst. It didn’t really bother him. It was common in his country for him and his siblings to suddenly start brawling, weaponless of course, for little to no reason. So a dispute among siblings was common ground for him. His eyes landed on one of the Princesses who had just entered. Deciding it was time to ask one of them to dance, he handed the glass he had in his hand to Aldan and walked toward Bella. Out of the Princesses he had an interest in, he had not been able to speak with her due to the circumstances. He walked up to her, the sea of nobles around her parting for the larger green skinned male. “Excuse me Princess, would you care to dance?” He asked her in a way that felt way too formal, even for him. Still he offered his hand in case she chose to accept. If he was being honest this country’s dances confused him but he had learned them nonetheless, although he was a little clumsy. There would be no fancy spins at least, just the basic movements. “After all, I haven’t had the pleasure of truly meeting you.” He added, waiting for her response, avoiding the subject of her previous situation as best he could.