[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/229690004220149761/871275066653024296/widow.png[/img] [centre][b][color=maroon]Black Widow[/color][/b] [color=maroon]Monotonous - Oneshot Location - Helicarrier 'Lady Liberty', Private Training Facility [/color][/centre] [hr] The room was a fairly spacious and open one, plenty of space to move around freely in, it was also for the most part empty. The roof was white, squares of lights shone down in two symmetrical rows along it's length. The walls were a similar shade of white as the roof, and the floor was a shade of light grey. It felt firm to stand on but not particularly hard, there was some cushion or support to it so to speak. This simple room was not unique, it was simply one of many private training facilities that was available to any and all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents aboard the 'Lady Liberty'. One could prepare it for whatever sort of exercise one wished for, firearms, blades, martial arts. It was up to the individual. Today Natasha just wanted something to hit. And so before her stood what looked to be nothing more than a very standard training dummy. For the most part it was, there was slight modifications and reinforcements to it. This was to be not so much a training session, more of a simple release of pent up energy, with some frustration mixed in there for good measure. It was not the first time. As of recent, Natasha had been finding herself increasingly restless, agitated even, emotions that she was rather irritated over the fact that she was struggling with them. Lately she even had to make sure she didn't grind her teeth together so much. Perhaps she had spent too much time off the field? After all most of her life has been one mission after the other, so of course if suddenly has to hang about some facility it is going to be hard to adapt to. But it wasn't just that. Fury was missing. He had been missing for a year. No one knew where he was or what might have happened to him, at least as far as Natasha was aware of. A whole year and nothing. Natasha herself had not been able to do anything. [i]Fury, just where on earth did you go damn it?[/i] Natasha slowly began to strike the training dummy, opening with a simple combination of jabs. [i]Just how much have you done for me over these years? Gave me my place here in S.H.I.E.L.D, even gave me a place on the Avengers. Just where would I be if it was not for you? Still an assassin? A mindless drone carrying out orders? Dead? Prison?[/i] She progressively increased the speed of her jabs, and started to introduce more of a variety of strikes. Hooks, uppercuts, backfists, open palm strikes, and elbows. A mix of combinations built on top of each other surfaced and developed with every contact on the training dummy. As did the power behind each strike. [i]And what have I done in return? You go missing for a year and what do I do?[/i] Natasha was putting her anger behind her strikes now, the training dummy it seems would really be tested in just how durable it was. [i]Nothing. I wait around and do nothing. But what can I do? S.H.I.E.L.Ds hands are tied, all I can do is follow orders.[/i] Natasha took a step back from the training dummy and planted a front kick straight to its core. Following up that she delivers a heel kick, quickly transitioning into a side kick and a back kick. A powerful spinning round house causes the training dummy to be sent across the room, rolling on the floor. Breathing deeply Natasha centered herself and collected the training dummy, placing it back where it was before continuing with her combinations, this time mixing strikes with her fists, palms, elbows, knees, and legs. Each combination getting increasingly complex and difficult to carry out. However every single move was executed flawlessly by the Black Widow, as one would expect. Over the past year she had this conversation with herself regularly. Fury could be dead. He could be worse than dead, held somewhere being put through any kind of hell one could think of. On the other hand he could be completely fine. Not knowing was the problem. [i]Why should I even care? If anyone can take care of themselves it's Fury.[/i] Natasha would try and convince herself of that. That really what happened to Fury didn't matter to her, that she really could not care less in truth. She started to almost dance around the training dummy, with elegant acrobatic maneuvers delivering swift strikes to the dummies front, back, and sides. Each strike was delivered with intent to debilitate the opponent. After a period of time Natasha naturally brought her exercise to an end. There was only so much use one could get out of wailing on a lifeless unmoving target. If it was not for her current state of mind then perhaps she would have asked someone to spar? Perhaps one of the Avengers? But she had learned long ago to not let anyone have a chance at seeing any kind of weakness in her, this sentimentality, this frustration, Natasha certainly considered that to be a weakness. She knew that she had to wait patiently on this Helicarrier, the time to act will come eventually. Stoically, Natasha silently returned to her quarters waiting for the chance to act.