[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5VblZrYjJ4d2FDQkJaRzF2YzNNLC4w/motherva.light.png[/img][/center][hr]Tags: [@Forsythe][@Kumbaris][@Goldeagle1221][hr] As the Night Elf thanked him for paying off his tab, Rudolph replied with a quick but polite nod. An unseen servant would be quite a good addition to TOM. Despite the rather simplistic nature, they make for decent staff. Almost as good as living breathing servants, but with a fraction of the cost. The only downside they have is the magical aptitude required to for them to manifest and bond with the caster. It's a good thing Minnow was a full blooded night elf. Magic came to them as naturally as green is to grass. If you didn't have enough mana, you'll just wind up with a spent spell scroll, no magical servant, and a lot of disappointment. [color=steelblue]"Glad to hear it. Now for the source of the magical anomaly..."[/color] Glancing out, he got an eyeful of Taraah's draconic transformation. [color=steelblue]"Ah. A dragon in town. That explains the anomaly."[/color] The wizard smiled at the realization before promptly fainting and falling onto the wooden floor with a dull thud from the sheer emotional shock of realizing that a dragon had suddenly appeared in Lorenstad.