Seeing Dean react to her reaction at his order just made her smirk all the more. It felt good to be able to jest with him like this even though they were on a case. His comment about annoying the receptionist to use their restroom instead just made her laugh softly, whilst shaking her head until she looked at him with a faked offended look on her face about his comment on her own eating habits. "do you really think I only ever eat a strict healthy diet 24/7? I treat myself to junk every now and then, contrary to popular belief" she jested back. "and compared to what you ordered mine probably still is considered healthy" she giggled. He then completely threw her off guard for a split moment when he called her gorgeous and complimented her on her hunting skills. She wasn't expecting him to come out with it so when he did, she blushed at his words as she always took his words to her to heart. She could see how he was almost regretting bringing up the last part of his compliment, knowing why he would, which she found perfectly understandable. "thank you, it means a lot to hear you say that. It really does" she replied back to him, tucking her lose whispy strands that framed her face behind her ear on one side. "I really do care what you think when it comes to my hunting. And as for the former comment? That also means a lot, you look amazing yourself today" she continued saying. As she finished speaking, the waitress came over with their sodas, placing them on the table. "food will be right up soon" they got told before the waitress then walked away. Mika took her lemonade and sipped it through the straw that was provided and realised in that first sip just how thirsty she truly was.