[h3]Jaden[/h3] "How did I have overslept???," a confused Jaden exclaimed while in his bed as he realized that it was around noon. Quickly getting out of bed and into clothes. Normally a certain kinsect named Arania would wake him up before it got too late in the day. But, as Jaden was halfway putting on his clothes. He spotted the still sleeping Arania in her bed on a desk. Jaden only sighed as he finished putting on his clothes. "Maybe we should stop staying up so late." Talking to himself as he walked over to Arania. Jaden had been staying up with others as they watched Prismata's Comet. Amazed by the sight of the colorful comet and perhaps stayed up too late last night. Now he and Arania are finally paying for it. Now standing next to Arania, Jaden started to coax her to consciousness. Speaking softly, "Wake up, Arania, time to wake up." Repeating himself. It felt kinda weird to Jaden since it is Arania that normally wakes him up, and now the tables have turned. Soon enough, Arania's eyes started to open and made a pleasant, almost chirping sound upon seeing Jaden. They say that kinsects do not really form bonds with their owners but with Arania. Jaden feels that that is simply not true. As he gently petted her and as he was done. Arania flew up and landed on his right shoulder. "Good girl Arania," Jaden said happily. Arania replied with an affectionate chirp. "Sorry to wake you up but, we are running late, and I do not want to miss out on that quest." With that done with Jaden headed to the Gathering Hall. Ready to take in the festivities. It was quite the sight when he arrived to see everyone busy having fun and celebrating. Jaden had half a mind to join them but, he was on a mission. Pushing through the crowd the best he could without disturbing Arania. But she simply flew up and watched Jaden move through the crowd. Until finally, he was at the main mission board. Arania flying down and landing again on his right shoulder. It did not take long for him to locate the mission he was looking for. He was glad that there was still room for him. When he heard that a big mission was coming and that it was related to Prismata's Comet, Jaden knew that he wanted in and chance as it despite his concern for sleeping in. He can still join, and Jaden wrote his on one of the blank spaces. Letting out a sigh of relief as he finished and thought about visiting the doctor before a rumble came from his stomach. "Ahhh... I did forget to eat breakfast or lunch, rather." Jaden said under his breath as he put a hand on his stomach. Maybe I should eat something before I see Dr. Daelen, he thought. Can't go on a mission to find something in uncharted territory without some food. So turning around, Jaden went to get some lunch. He is going to need a full stomach on this new adventure, and he can't wait for it to begin.