I'll throw my lot into this. Give me some time and I'll even have a character up. Question though: How hard are we going to go on mechanics like magic and such? I imagine it won't be 1-to-1 D&D, but I'm sure it'll get a bit exhausting having to deal with someone who has an infinite amount of fireballs, or who shuts down an epic battle against a boss because they're spamming Hold Person. Additionally, what would be the rough "level" of our characters as far as what we're able to do and/or experience? Another question: What's the tech level we're operating at? Because when I hear western I think stuff like guns and trains, which opens up to a lot more technology than most fantasies are willing to explore. Tangibly related is there any limitation/importance to what sort of equipment we bring? I have it in mind to create an orc artificer who's basically on this job to get money to upgrade his armor, but I'll be a might disappointed if my armor fails to stand up against wooden arrows because of plot.