[h3] Dean Winchester [/h3] Dean nodded to his brother, feeling almost bad that he didn’t let Sam help the situation more. He had barely even spoken to the kid since he was resurrected. He would definitely remedy that situation later on, once things finally settled to a point that he would be able to get him alone. Turning his face back to Mika’s, he leaned forward and kissed her nose gently, before pushing her hair from her face to look at her eyes. “What do you say we get our faces washed up, and go join everyone? I’ll play nice if you do.”, he whispered, kissing her nose again, “And one more thing about earlier, before we go…I’ve been dealing with a long of anger, since..coming back. It scares the hell out of me, because I black out. I’m sorry you had to see that. Seriously.” He stroked her cheek with his thumb, still watching her eyes with a small smile, “So you tell me what you want to do. We can go downstairs and join the party, or we can climb into bed and sleep off this bad night. What do you say?” [h3] Cason and Bobby Singer [/h3] Bobby sighed with relief at hearing that Mika and Dean both seemed okay. The worst storm he had seen them have in years was passing, and he didn’t have to be in the middle of it. The thought caused him to sit back down at his desk with a groan of exhaustion, picking up his whiskey bottle, “Well that’s good to hear. No knock down, drag out fights. Dean’s getting better at handling his messes, I see…” Cason glanced over to Esme, just watching her face as he heard Sam’s heavy footprints coming down the stairs. He felt a bit of nerves creeping up at the idea that it could be Dean, until he heard Sam’s voice and his shoulders relaxed. Cason sighed, the knowing that Dean wouldn’t kill him in the middle of the night after everyone was asleep was a big relief. It was obvious that he couldn’t overpower Dean, without seriously harming him. And with six other people that would avenge his death, including several hunters, the thought of killing Dean Winchester caused him to shudder nervously. “How’s Anna doing, by the way?”, Cason asked, his eyes traveling to meet up with Sam’s face. Bobby tapped on his desk with a pair of scissors, a small gesture to tell Cason to shut up, and not start more fights, “I mean, with the detox, that is. She still raging and freaking out?” Bobby sighed, taking another long drink of whiskey. These kids were going to be the death of him if they didn’t leave soon. He stood, and stepped around Sam with a pat on the back, walking into his bedroom on the bottom floor. He rummaged around in the room with a bit of noise, before showing back up in the door frame with several fluffy pillows in his hands. He held them up to Sam with a small smile, proud of being ‘the dad’ for a change, “No sense in you guys sleepin’ down there with nothing to lay on but each other. Take these, and get some rest.” Bobby stepped over to Sam, and held out the pillows to him, before turning to Nat, “I have another one in the bedroom, if you wanna go steal it from the closet. That old couch is as comfortable as most hunters can get, but you might feel better in the morning if you had a decent pillow.” He smiled at Nat and then Sam, before letting his face fall with exhaustion and stepping back over to his desk, where he sat down and opened a book.