[center][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210802/cc5a53770bcfcd98ee0b78c6710999ed.png [/img][/center] [center][color=yellowgreen]Brawn: Season 1, #1[/color][/center] [center][color=yellowgreen]Location: Tuscon AZ USA[/color][/center] [color=yellowgreen]"Interesting, very interesting.[/color] Muttered Amadeus Cho, taking his eyes off his computer for only a few seconds to eat before returning his attention to the page he was on. [color=yellowgreen]It appears I was corrects about the existence of the Demon... even if it wasn't the way I was planning to learn.[/color] He quickly saved the picture of the demon sticking up his middle finger to his private file, although whether it was a demon or not was still up to debate, after all it was blue, had wings, and one massive horn sticking out the front of it's forehead. But still, it was a start. [color=olive]"What's this about a demon? I thought we were looking for hulks."[/color] Asked Amadeus's sister, Maddy from the video call, on the tab behind the tab behind the tab the picture of the demon was on. [color=yellowgreen]"We are, but I have many other projects running along side it, I though by now you had decoded the hidden file.[/color] [color=olive]"Oh, I have, and the one that has all the pictures of cheeseburgers-"[/color] [color=yellowgreen]"We don't speak of the cheeseburger file, I was hungry and had just finished a complex equation and I was very-[/color] Amadeus turned to see the massive green beast struggle to pull itself through the door frame. Like Amadeus, Kirby also changed forms when excited, and at about three years old the meant whenever he saw, smelled, or heard anything. [color=yellowgreen]"Hungry... Wait a minute Maddy... I think I found something."[/color] [color=yellowgreen][center][b]* * *[/b][/center][/color] The Cho family private jet was hidden away as usual. Amadeus had learned to fly it when he was twelve, and even after all this time he still got a shock of excitement when he saw it. This shock often caused a large amount of excitement, and as you know excitement causes Brawn. [color=yellowgreen]"Shoot, this is going to keep happening isn't it."[/color] Growled the large green version of Amadeus, stepping into the highly modified Learjet 60. He had rigged the auto-pilot to take him to the location showed on his laptop, тыਨਹੀਂአግኝში. [color=yellowgreen][i]"The made this to easy."[/i][/color] thought Amadeus, quickly figuring out it meant you can't get in in a mix of Russian, Punjabi, Amharic, and Georgian, of course, if anyone could get in, it would be the seventh smartest human in the world, also known as Amedues Cho, literally the Brains and the Brawn.