[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/pG8LVDV.png[/img] [sub][@Sho Minazuki][/sub][/center] [color=f7941d][b]"I'll open then."[/b][/color] Cold, exacting, and precise. All along the way to the meeting place, Otis had been regulating his mood, his awareness. He had checked over his reagents, had reviewed his anti-youkai measures, and had eaten a light meal. He pulled out an energy gel he had bought from a convenience store, tore it open, and sucked out the sugary contents in one quick gulp. The extra kick of glucose would help maintain his razor-sharp focus, and reminded him of something else on his to-do list for developing his own magecraft. But that was the future. Only the present mattered. Sitting cross-legged on a park bench, the Strigidae broke open his revolver and closed one eye, simulating the upcoming fight and slotting in his bullets accordingly. Shinzou was an anomaly, but the rest of the crew wouldn't have been. What was the threat though? The assassin was skilled, but had been thwarted even when the group was wholly unprepared. The black shadow, the kurobozou, offered greater mobility, but seemed to have no other combat applications: if Shinzou chose to run away, it was basically their victory. Which left the man himself, who'll likely tap into his demonic powers immediately, and who could destroy any magical setup Otis created within a few seconds. [color=f7941d][b]"I'll stop the pureblood demons, so take them down first. First and second shot will give you all the opening. The third shot will expose the Kurobozou. Don't fuck around."[/b][/color] Six bullets loaded, six steps determined. He slammed the revolver back into place and opened his other eye. [color=f7941d][b]"Utsumi, prioritize Seirin for evacuation after we get her out of the Egg."[/b][/color]