[@Knight 7] Psyko heard her coming and at the swing of the chair, she ducked under, and performed a back superkick to Isabella's chest. [color=Aqua]"Kore o seikō. Meinu yo!"[/color] The hardcore wrestler grabbed Isabella by the back of her head, planting her firmly between Psyko's own legs. She lifted Isabella into the air and powerbombed her thru the burning barbwire wrapped tables. [hider][img]https://pa1.narvii.com/5848/eb0358ea8d8b8852f2bc3a581bc3aef80c57d94c_00.gif[/img][/hider] The fans gasped and some screamed, before most started chanting "Holy shit!" again. A child somewhere in the crowd yelled, "Please don't die" Psyko runs her thumb along her throat, before sliding back into the ring. She begins to prance around, and mock her opponent, as the crowd intensifies with its booing.