As aster settled down in the Corvinight cab with his new Pokémon, he took out his rotom phone, remembering Eclorian telling him that he could download the Pokédex as an app. A tap and a ping later, and Aster had successfully downloaded the app. He released the small brown Pokémon onto the seat across from him, the Pokémon napping, and began to scan it. [u][i]Swinub, the Pig Pokémon. If it smells something enticing, it dashes off headlong to find the source of the aroma.[/i][/u] “Aw how adorable.” He said as he watched the Pokémon sleep. “A hungry little guy, I’ll name you .. Chomps!” The Pokémon snorted in its sleep, almost like it was responding. “Glad to see you like it little guy.” He said, scratching the Pokémon’s belly. [hr] After landing in Wyndon, Aster B lined it to the Pokémon center to meet up with Eclorian, Chomps in his arms as he walked down the street. Entering the center, he spies Eclorian at a terminal. “Ah, Eclorian! I want to introduce you to Chomps!” He said holding up the brown fluff ball, the Pokémon still sleeping from eating Asters lunch. “Did you get any info on the next challenge?” He asked