[quote=Brovo] It's the person's choice to choose to end their own lives. Selfish, in that their pain isn't eliminated, it's merely passed on to those around them who will grieve their passing, but ultimately... If a person, after an extended duration of time (that is, more than a simple emotional outburst) cannot deal with life and wishes to end their own life, especially in cases with the highly disabled or the elderly... Then it is equally selfish to tell those people that they are not allowed to end their own lives because it might hurt you. EDIT As for those bringing in "you're ruining God's plans" into the mix: God, if you believe he exists, is [b]omnipotent and omniscient[/b]. He planned for suicide. If he didn't, he's not omniscient, or omnipotent. [/quote] As someone who struggles with suicidal thoughts from time to time, I agree. It's definitely selfish to commit suicide, and hurts others, but in cases where it's more like euthanasia then I'm for them getting to say "I want to die now". Quality of life is something to take into account when it comes to such thoughts, and if it's really not there... then yeah. Let them. It is selfish to deny them peace if they're suffering because you don't want to be bummed. Edit: And really, this just gets into how society and cultures view death as well. With all the mourning. I personally find that response to death to be lame. If a good person dies, let there be a celebration, not of their passing, but of the life they lived. If a bad person dies, let there also be a celebration, because they're gone and can't do more bad things. Celebrate life, celebrate death, more parties less moping. This is also why I don't want a traditional funeral when I die. Either throw a party and have fun, or do nothing. If you feel you need to mourn, don't do too much of it. Get it out of your system, then crack a smile and get on with your life. Also, that 'don't speak ill of the dead' thing is bullshit.