[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/YWzKiCZ.png[/img][/center] [center]Princess Annalise Interaction with [@Vampiretwilight][/center] Annalise and Prince Alexander made it to the dance floor with little to no interruption. She could feel the glare from the Prince’s sister. She smiled at the Prince and glanced at his sister when they made a turn that allowed them to lock eyes. She only briefly returned the glare, almost daring the other female to make a move, and then her attention went back to the Prince she was dancing with. “Siblings can be such a royal pain, it's always best to remove oneself from the situation when things get heated, I have found.” Her gentle smile persisted as they danced. The nobles who were previously staring at the forign siblings arguing and either gone back to what they were doing, or were now gawking at the two of them dancing, the situation seemed to have cooled off for the most part. Besides the angry foreign Princess who was likely still glaring daggers at them. [center]______________________________________________________[/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/bMteDNt.png[/img][/center] [center] Prince Gil Jalal of Afdan Interaction with [@Wolvena][/center] Gil smiled at Marabella’s reaction to his statement. He was glad he had managed to get her to actually smile and even laugh. He nodded when she said he was thinking too hard about it. “I have been known to overthink simple things. My mother told me the same thing when she was teaching me these dances. I suppose I am too focused on not making a fool of myself and bringing my partner down with me.” He managed to get into a rhythm as he spoke, not thinking as hard as he was about the dance itself. It still wasn’t perfect, but it was decent. “In my country, dances are far less...structured, all about feeling the music. Not at all about following certain steps. The only form of structured dances we have are sword dances, if you mess up with those you risk getting stabbed.” He shrugged as if getting stabbed was no big deal. For the thick skinned Orcs it really wasn’t but Gil didn’t realize that wasn’t the case for other races. He forgot his kind was generally heartier than humans.