Cara nodded, but before she could answer her master spoke. "Everyone settle down and sit down." Horace said. Cara frowned and mouthing an apology to Devon. She leaned against the wall and slowly sank to the floor. [i]Great, now we get to see what's going on.[/i] She thought. Horace proceeded to explain that the power was draining from the cities core. What Cara knew to be a giant jewel locked up underneath the city hall somewhere, but she wasn't sure. Horce went on to explain that they were to pick the best of their apprentices to help them fix the problem. Cara looked up at the ceiling, as long as it wasn't her she would be fine. "Just don't pick me..." She muttered. She wasn't a hero and she wasn't about to be one either. To her dismay though Horace approached her. "Cara." He said. She looked up at him. "I have chosen you." She sighed. "Yes master." She replied.