[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GInLRmw.png[/img] [color=tomato]”I’m hated for doing what people expect, and feared for doing what they don’t.”[/color] [color=888888]— Oros[/color] [/center] With Oros being excluded from participating in ice skating, she decided to dance on the ice by herself at the snowball fight area. Surely such a thing should be impossible. Magical Dream Princess magicked away all the damage Oros had wrought with her “Dan the man” cannon, even going as far as making the snow palace even bigger and better than the last one. But Oros only needed to lay siege to it a second time. The DTMC made turning any snow born structure into a puddle fairly easy. The resulting puddle was not the easiest thing to skate on, but it worked for her purposes. Oros weaved and jumped around the snow fort. She skated around fallen towers, jumped over fallen arches, and just had a grand ol’ time all by herself. Magical Dream Princess would likely discover the snow fort had been destroyed, and just rebuild it. It was also likely that if this kept up, Dan would side with MDP again and just make the snow fort impossible to destroy, or find some more serious way to punish Oros. Then again, there would come a time when Dan had to return the dimension to it’s warm, sunny state where all the snow would surely melt. Depending on your outlook, the long term destruction of the snow fort was either ensured or impossible. It made doing anything to the snow fort now pointless. Surely Oros must have realized this, but why she chose to do it anyway was something only she knew. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dIXIuEs.png[/img] [color=ade81b]”Betty’s 2 for 3! Or something!”[/color] [color=888888]— Betty “Biohazard” Barton[/color] [/center] Betty was not a conversationalist, but she did her best to talk with Finn on their way over to the lodge, where she was sure Hilaria and Stien were waiting for her. No, that wasn’t true. They were probably just eating food because there was a feast there. Her arrival didn’t factor into things at all. [color=ade81b]”I wonder if Maura is going to be here? Unless she’s patching things up with Silhouette?”[/color] Betty surveyed the room. [color=ade81b]”There they are! I want you to meet Hilaria and Stien!”[/color] Betty only managed to arrive at the table before Dan appeared, praising their snow dragon before thrusting a silver coin in their hands. [color=ade81b]”Again? I won twice?”[/color] [color=tomato]”I was pretty sure the grand magistrate would make sure no one got rewarded twice. ”[/color] Betty was too shocked to respond. She really wanted to beat Justine’s castle. That wasn’t something she would have been able to do on her own. But with the help of her new friends, they were able to defeat her. [color=ade81b]”Guys…”[/color] Betty’s voice cracked a bit before she pulled the two girls into a hug. [color=ade81b]”Thank you! I don’t know if I was able to contribute all that much, but we were able to pull off that miracle!”[/color] The celebrating was cut short when the white elephant event started. [color=ade81b]”Oh I almost forgot about this!”[/color] Betty took a seat at Hilaria’s table and examined her gift. It was a large white box that was sealed with a glittering green ribbon. [color=ade81b]”Well, here goes nothing!”[/color] She pulled on the ribbon untill it came undone before folding it up and setting it aside. With the box unbound, she pulled back the lid and peered inside. [color=ade81b]”Huh?”[/color] She pulled a small fan out of the box. It looked like a small fan, with rows of LED lights buried in the frame that housed it. [color=ade81b]”Wait, I think I know what this is!”[/color] She pulled something else out of the box. It was some sort of “G-FORCE” graphics card. [color=ade81b]”These are computer parts! Can I build an entire computer with these? That sounds exciting, but I don’t know if I could build it myself. Maybe someone could help me?”[/color] [color=tomato]”What the [i]literal[/i] fuck?!”[/color] Oros’s gift box layed at her feet in shambles, and all she had to show for it was a card she was holding onto. [color=tomato]”A card that lets me ‘have access to any venue to have a memorable night with someone special?’ This was a proposed item for season 2 and it got shot down, why is it making a cumback now?”[/color] Oros groaned. [color=tomato]”How pointless! I can enter any venue I want, All nights with me are memorable, and nobody’s special! Muda muda muda muda muda!”[/color] Then everything changed with the Beacon Patron attacked. [color=ade81b]”Seriously?”[/color] Betty looked at everyone at her table. [color=ade81b]”Isn’t she stepping just a bit outside her jurisdiction?”[/color] With a sigh, Betty hugged parts to what might become her future computer if it didn’t get ruined for her somehow. [color=ade81b]”Well, it’s none of my business I guess. Seems like Dan has magical girls on hand to deal with this sort of stuff.”[/color] While most of the magical girls felt unnerved by this recent turn of events, Oros was positively glowing. [color=tomato]”Son of a bitch! I could have used a development like this months ago!”[/color] Oros laughed. [color=tomato]”Hey, let’s make the stakes a bit higher. In addition to the already presented terms, the loser will also get dom’d in a fanfiction that’s gunna get posted on discord. [i]In the NSFW section no less![/i] Think you can do that for me big guy?”[/color] [color=magenta]”Consider it done.”[/color] [color=tomato]”You’d better not be lying.”[/color] Oros approached the group of magical girls slowly gathering around Rachel. [color=tomato]”Also, I’ll be fighting the winner for rights to both the mirror and this dimension. We’ll worry about the terms of my defeat once I know who my opponent will be.”[/color] Oros extended her ticket to Rachel. [color=tomato]”Wanna trade? You look like you need to get laid, and that’s a pretty nice jacket if I do say so myself.”[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SYLaJgW.png[/img] [color=cfff04]"All that, for a drop of blood?”[/color] [color=888888]— Tonya “Mac” Murphy[/color] [hider=Tonya “Mac” Murphy] [b]Age: 24/11 | Gender: Female/Female | Illusion, Gravity Body | Power of Friendship, Regeneration, Third Eye | Moirai Coercion, Soul Jar, Martial Training, True Sight, Parasite, Gifted, Awareness, Overcity Shift, Mystic Artifact Magical Overload, Paragon, Blessing, Gifted Item | Monster Form, Big Brother, Arrogance, Vendetta Redirected Magic, Second Specialization | Non-Standard Limbs, Destroyer[/b] STR: 05 | AGI: 04 | VIT: 05 | MAG: 03 | LCK: 03 +46 STR: 21 | AGI: 21 | VIT: 21 | MAG: 20 | LCK: 20 Earnings this post: Zilch Remaining: 7 Gold, 30 Silver, 39 Bronze Total: 11 Gold, 162 Silver, 183 Bronze [/hider][/center] So the coveted Keijo master tourney was going to start. The fight for the mirror, which would inevitably get stolen and end the tourney. All that drama, and for what? Of course, a gold coin. Even Mac couldn't resist those. But with Veronica gone, who would play with her? Well, she hadn't talked to Aria yet. She should probably do that before things go much further along.