Well, I suppose we need to open the back door of the sausage works for a brief tour. Wear gloves and masks, and no touchy... Our plan for ep. 1 is primarily intended to introduce the boat, and to permit writers the chance to both introduce and grow comfortable within the skins of their characters. Participation at this point has been great, and we're so thankful for the folks who've been able to leap into the deep end of the pool. We have a couple writers who've had some difficulty (hence the point of my scree) and are hopeful that they'll be able to place themselves within the story. Our original plan involved a pretty large time skip. In fact, we weren't going to see a landing on New Melbourne at all. However, with Hook and the Cap'n planning a fishing trip and the Skyes working up some of their own shenanigans, we've changed the ep plan to accommodate. Given what we know people are writing now and the plot we're addressing, I do see a time skip coming, albeit a short one. I'm grateful for the refresher on the use of italics. As a writer, perhaps I've taken to the abuse of bb code when I should've been abusing bourbon. While I will make a personal effort to adhere to more established practice, I won't ride herd on what or how our member writers choose to emphasize in their own posts. [i]FF2V[/i] was created as an RPG (role playing game.) We live in a 'verse where, as Abby might put it, "proper dik-chun don't always go 'round here," and posted accordingly in our game info brief. I've got to say that I'm thrilled some of the group appear to be as passionate about what we're doing here as I am, but I've learned to temper that passion with gratitude for the time and energy that may limit our individual involvements. I know the Cap'n would agree when I say that we're so happy you guys are here, and we can't wait to see where you'll take us next. Keep flying, Sail