Encyclopedia Imperial Provinces Miravet - A semi barbarous province in the west of the Empire. Known for its female cavalry soldiers. Miraveti burn their dead with yew wood and carry a twig of yew on a cord around their throat in case they die far from home. The current Emperor has Miraveti wife. Keylara - The eastern most province of the Empire which borders with the Ashvari homeland. The Empire really only controls the coast and particularly the great cities of Kestos and Pravis. Its lucrative in terms of trade and mining and produces valuable sugar on the costal floodplains. Ashvari Empire Sidris - The capital of the western Satrapy of Ashvari. Kitri - Great river running westward into the Ashvari heartland Zaldai - A largish town along the River Kitri Imperial Military Organization Miravet - Miraveti troops are usually bregaded together as integrated formations of heavy cavalry and armored horse archers. A Saleri (literally a tithe) consists of about 2000 troops. Each Saleri is commanded by a Protos Kapetanos (First Captain). Each Saleri is divided into four 'Tets' of 500, each commanded by a Tetrarch. Ashvari Military Organization Border troops - Light desert troops are the mainstay of infantry forces in the area. Little more than tribesmen with wicker shields. Kahreeds- The core of the actual Ashvari army Kahreeds are heavily armored noble cavalry organized into units around a great lord and his retainers. They often employ lesser local units as support.