Prince Droka Yew was a late arrival to the festivities. It couldn't be avoided. The sudden death of Prince Droke had demanded that he had needed to spend some time to pay his respects to his deceased kin, even if the funeral would take time to organize and the affairs of state demanded that he wasn't in the kingdom to attend in person. It was likely for the best really; The nobility of Tushina might have long adapted to the often fast changing and dangerous nature of politics, but when the tide shifted in a major way some of the fish tended to be caught out of the water and it was likely for the best that the chance for them to do something... [i]impulsive[/i] was limited. The later arrival meant that the half elven prince had arrived during... what appeared to be some kind of dancing section of the festivities. Droka had decided to don the military attire of his people to reflect the fact that the Yew family was, in essence as well as practice, military leaders. Selecting a formal white, silken officer shirt that was emboldened by its silver embroidery, it contrasted well with both his pale skin and the black pants he had decided to don to match it. On his hip hung his royal yatagan, the sheath clearly designed with prestige in mind but the weapon itself functional and well crafted to serve in combat if required. While some might have questioned the prince of Tushina being armed at a civilian event, the weapon was apart of the uniform and to neglect it would have been akin to walking in with his shirt off and his chest bare. While others danced and feasted, Droka seemed to find a place against one of the walls in order to gaze over the room without having to worry about covering his back.