Tristan's most interested in finding Sir Hector. Their last conversation had to be cut short to attend to Constance's dress, but that work is done now. She said she was close to King Uther, and that she would be a worse teacher, and he regrets not having had the chance to follow up on either. First thing's first. The feast that will come later means there are fresh maid-of-honors to be raided from the kitchens, and if he can't beggar two, it's the work of seconds to gaffle them while someone's back is turned. Whenever you seek to commune with a higher power, it's always important to bring a good offering. She radiated jealousy before, obviously. But he'll need to make her comfortable if he's going to ask a question that feels like it should be just as obvious, but isn't - What makes her so jealous of Robena? Her importance to Britain, or her importance to Constance?